Tuesday, December 23, 2008


i just received a christmas card from ashler. and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. the last time i ever received a christmas card was... eons ago. and im beaming now because ashler wrote something awesome in the card. wahahahaha.

imma happy cow. yay me :DD

Monday, December 22, 2008


my dad really shocks me sometimes. my brother said that our dad is so random, and that he's actually very talented. D:

my dad not only knows German, he knows Dutch and French too. my dad used to live in Holland for a year, and i didnt know that. i just know that he was at a place full of windmills and tulips. -.- i know that's a dead giveaway but i was young that time ok, i didnt know that Holland was full of windmills and tulips.

my dad is a random dad, and it's really funny to look back and see that a talented guy becoming all random.

my dad is awesome. hahaha.

Friday, December 12, 2008

my dad has many hidden talents.

he knows how to work autocad. one hand on keyboard, one hand on the mouse. my dad makes the perfect omelet. the round sort that isnt burnt on either sides, and he can roll it up perfectly in the pan. he can de-seed a chilli and cut it up into really pretty slices.

the most awesome part.. HE KNOWS GERMAN, and i just found out today. D:

im beginning to suspect that my dad is a vampire. all along i thought he went to some polytechnic, that's all. then i found out, he went to some german institute before, that's why he knows german. he has... to much experience in life that he doesnt sound like human to me anymore.

D: my dad is probably someone like carlisle.

Monday, December 8, 2008

i have a very random dad.

i was halfway through my novel when he knocked my door.
he had his new handphone on hand.
it has a 5 megapixel camera, and apparently he took some pictures with it.

... all are pictures of plants and the randomest things around.
like people camping at west coast park, the plant that grew in between the bricks and more plants around the pond.

my dad.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

the little things that scare me.

a long-lost friend of mine just added me on facebook.

it scares me because the last i heard of him was that he has short term memory.
as in, suddenly amnesia just hit him, and he was in the hospital and has forgotten many many many things.

he hasnt been the nicest of friends.
but at least, i guess, there were still some not-so-bad memories of him lingering around.

... and he has changed so much.
D: he was like, that nerdy guy who probably gets bullied in his secondary school class.
and suddenly, he has uh, piercings and he's probably uh, trying to buff up his body or something.

i think no matter what he does, he's still that nerdy friend of mine.
the hardcore bastard who slog his guts out to do damn well for exams, and that annoying self-centered moron who takes pictures like a twit.
(insults are probably our way of communicating.)

if he ever reads my blog, i guess i have 2 words for him about his new image.

Friday, November 28, 2008

the wonders of photoshop~.

yesterday while rushing out my 3 A3 boards for Theory of Design, i managed to find time for a little break.
and being girls, when given a laptop with a webcam attached to it, we will obviously camwhore.
... and having photoshop installed on your laptop is totally awesome.

this is the original picture we took.

... and i photoshopped myself into a geisha.
i look like a geisha... right?!

then uh, i photoshopped myself into looking a little more like a girl.
D: i have this obsession for whitening.
i really want to turn pale, i guess.

i made myself a bit whiter, touched up on the eyeliner, and made my eyes bigger.
oh ya, and i added blush on myself too.
i made val a bit darker, her eyes bigger and her teeth whiter...

i so look like a girl lorrrr!
... with photoshop.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

here's roo..
looking like a girl on a saturday morning in school.

for the past few days, i have been working a lot with my new best friend, wires.
and to my horror, i found out that i have developed muscles on the fingers of my right hand.

on friday, i stayed in studio till it was 10.20pm.
yesterday, i stayed in the studio till 12.30am.

my brother is awesome because he sent ah mun, dawn and i home.

yesterday, we were "enjoying" a streak of bad luck.
the air con kinda broke down.
there was no food available after 2pm.
we ordered mac delivery (yeah, i know. it's damn stupid.), and the person was waiting for us at the admin block.
the doors were locked at the admin block, so i have to run like an idiot up and down to meet the person.
it didnt help that at around midnight, hidayat had to come tell me and dawn on msn that apparently our studio has some legend thingy going on.

dawn was a friggin scaredy cat, and i have found a reason why i will never turn into a lesbian.
... because i cant stand girls who shriek at every sound at like, midnight or something.

i know this is not helping..
but i just want to say this. :D
i sensed something in the studio while doing our work at about 12 plus.
so there, freak out if you must.
just dont stay in studio after 10pm.
it's friggin dark and dangerous outside.

which leads to this conclusion...
it's good to have boyfriends.
they help you with your project work and they probably can protect you at times like this.

hahaha, at least im done with that stupid project.
now, all i have to do is print out the pavillion and finish up my TOD designer boards that is due this friday.

im hoping to start on eclipse tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

i wonder...

are people nice to me, because they like me for who i am.

... or are they nice to me because there's something in it for them.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

super long post, with quite a few pictures.

today is a I-FEEL-USELESS day.

i rushed out my GEMS assignment in class.
and my autocad wasnt done at all.

during GEMS, i wasnt even paying much attention to that lecturer.
i was shopping online, and thinking about tongues the whole time.

went to watch char's performance at theatre@moberly.
and as if it was God's will, it started raining just after CASS performances.
went home after that, and managed to not get struck by lightning.

i honestly have no idea what have i done to deserve this.
because i dont think i have any good karma left.
the bad karma hasnt attacked me yet.
maybe the bad karma is accumulating, so that it can hit me, full force.

i have really nice classmates.
because if they werent nice, they probably would have left me to die alone with no group for that CADP + Design Studio project.
maybe ah mun's good karma is overflowing, that's why i get to collect them since im her trophy boyfriend...
im not making any sense here.

but anyway, i feel like im slowing down the entire group.
D: im like some extra burden that people, in their right mind, would have thrown away by now.
if that MIC was that bad till the class cant stand her at all, then what about me.
im probably no different from her.
... so why am i being treated differently from her.

sigh, clearly all the bad karma i have accumulated on a daily basis hasnt done anything to me yet.
except for making me feel guilty inside for having such an awesome class.

so here's some disgusting pictures for you to...
... ah whatever la.
you people are just going to tag on my board "OMG ROO! YOU'RE DISGUSTING!"

this is my obsession with maggots, dead insects and all things.. gross i guess.

this is a dead cockroach i stepped on last year in FMSS canteen.

some bee/hornet/giant flying ant, dead on the floor with lots of ants.

a snail~.
this is probably the most... decent and not-gross picture on this post.

a centipede, found it in my bathroom.
imagine the "shock" when i saw it after showering.
... my dad asked me to poke it the other time.
so it will curl up and not escape to some other part of the house.
but when i got my plastic fork on hand, it wriggled away probably waaaay before i called my dad.

so uh, there's blood.
... i have very itchy fingers.
i like to scratch all the mosquito bites on my legs till they bleed, a lot.
i have sweet blood, apparently.
because i get mosquito bites waaaaay too often.
now, they are like me.
they like to bite the fleshy part of meeeee.
D: and they like my left leg better.

my wound, when i fall down early this year.
... or late last year.
it's fresssssh.

the other time when i put up the picture of my finger bleeding, i said that my face bleed occasionally too.
... here's the only picture i managed to take.

and this is my bleeding lip.
my lips crack and bleed when it gets waaaaay too dry.
and ya, it hurts.

i shall see if i have anymore disgusting photos to post up next time.
you can enjoy all these for now.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

roo take pictures of all things gross i guess.

so this is a lizard.

a dead bird.

and the earthworm that split into two.
... its an earthworm right?!


Sunday, November 9, 2008

vivienne westwood!

im so happy that i'll be doing something on Vivienne Westwood for my Theory of Design Assignment.
... so that's her, with gwen stefani.

she's pretty darn old.
at the ripe old age of 67.
sigh, i hope she doesnt go off anytime soon.
;______; i really wish to work with her someday.

she's one of my favourite fashion designers because she was responsible for bringing punk fashion into the industry.
her designs are awesomeeeeeee.
but i think modelling for her will be a painful task...

seeing that she has designs like this...

the Mock-croc Super Elevated Gillies, imagine walking down the runway in thaaat.

but the spikes version looks so awesome.
i just might wear it if the heels werent that high.

... if this looks familiar, that's because you have probably seen it around those Gothic-Lolita cosplayers.

the Sapato Apollo Wings, which resembles the rocking horse shoe.
like this!

i know im boring the world with this whole vivienne westwood thingy.
:/ i cant help it.
i love her stuff.

so to make up for it,
i shall put up 2 pictures of my newest husband.
he has such a husky voice, smexxxxyyy.
and he looks so evil!
omg DDD:<

... my hands smell like hair dye now.
D: baaah.
and my white nails have dye on it.

no i didnt dye my hair again.
:/ i helped my mum dye her hair today.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

random late night chats with kt.

chatting late at night with kt is random.
lots of funny things were being exchanged.
even if we were talking about something serious, she will somehow make it sound like some sort of a joke.

she told me about kendo practice one day,
she was sparring with a senior, and she accidentally whacked him on his sensitive part.
... pray hard that there's something protecting it.

and i told her about my recent urges to bite someone and their arms.
she suggested to me that i should go get a pacifier.
in case i need to bite someone, there's something for me to bite so i wont hurt anyone around me.

oh yeah, and i was thinking whether i should go take the 40 photos at her place today.
but i was worried that if i need to retake, i will have to go back to her place to retake.
and this was what she said, "why not you come over tomorrow, and we take like 120 OF THEM! :D THEN IN CASE YOU NEED TO RETAKE, YOU WILL HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH!"
... talk about singaporeans and them being kiasu.
kt is one perfect example.

... you know, regular people will check out stuff on hottopic.com.
im totally different.
O: i check out the models' hairstyles on hottopic.com instead of shopping.
and i got so much inspiration from them.


i just realise that im really into bob haircuts.
and bangs.
D: oh yeah, i most probably will be watching char's rehearsal on wednesday from 6-7.
D: if there's any kind soul out there who wishes to watch it too, or is willing to keep me company from 3-6, please tag on my board.
... or tell me on msn.

): if not, i'll just go home..

Thursday, October 30, 2008

welcome to my world.

i shall throw my face away on cyber world and reveal to whoever is reading my blog, MY ROOM.

it is in a HUGE state of mess right now.
D: it's more like a dump rather than my room.
but still, this is the place where i emo, surf the net and avoid my mother.

here's an overview of it.

my very messy bookshelf and its many many things around.
:/ im thinking whether i should throw it away.
if there's any click five fan out there, and wants the board, please tell me.
i'll sell it to you for like... $20?

D: i have clothes everywhere around my room.

the printer, very near the bookshelf.

my study table, apparently.
but i do my homework on the dining table instead since it's so... cluttered and messy.

a bunch of colourful stuff on my table.

my L poster by my bedside.

so people, if next time you ask to come over to my house, and i say it's damn messy.
you'll get what i mean.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

a little something to digust all you people.

im friggin sleepy now.

but i have tons of homework to complete.
im not the sort of person who will complete their work asap so as to be able to rest the day away. as shown on this post.
im more of a my-pace person.
i like to pace myself slowly, instead of rushing out my work like there's no tomorrow.

autocad today wasnt as bad as last week's.
where my stomach churned and tied itself into that huge knot.
today, i finally learnt how to scale something.
D: like finally.
jeffu wasted a semester of teaching autocad on me.

i shall, attempt to complete as much of my homework as i can.
and try skip consultation tomorrow and not get picked out for it.
bah, im friggin tired.
): all i want to do now is sleep.

so pictures!
to make my post a wee bit more interesting.

roo and ah mun at daiso.
): they ran out of the lion headbands.
... at least this matches with what i was wearing that day.

i hope you had a heavy dinner.
because im hoping to get some people really disgusted by the pictures im about to show next.

chicken steaks and ribs at the bbq on saturday.

here's a close up of the fats.
at least, it tasted a lot better than it looks.
after it's being cooked, of course.

my finger bled the other night.
yeah, night.
i dont know what i did, but it just started bleeding, and refuse to stop.
noooo, i dont have a Vitamin K deficiency.
there's just something wrong with me.
i keep bleeding for no reason.

... my face bleeds occasionally too.

rah, i hate my crooked tooth.

so there, hope you puke out your dinner.

Monday, October 27, 2008

things i think about during detox.

what's up with the obsession of skinny girls thinking they are fat.

like really, WHAT'S UP WITH IT.

it's like shooting me in my face that im fatter.
sometimes ah, people should just be happy with the way their bodies are.
only fat people should say, "D: omg, im so fat~."
whatever, seriously whatever!

skinny people who goes on and on and on about being fat should just shoot themselves in the head.


... and i think im blogging this out, because im feeling awfully fat today.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

roo is pure evil, probably. :/

sometimes how people treat me, and the way they do stuff makes me want to insult and hurt them physically them till they cry.

right now, i feel like doing so, to this particular someone.
that kinda reminds me of the reason why i avoided her with my dying will in school last time.

... please dont let me see her again, ever.
i have no idea what i'll say or do to her.

i probably just like to hurt people.
and their fragile, little hearts.
the thought of hurting someone i dislike so much till they cry makes me awfully happy inside.

im like a total bitch.

Monday, October 20, 2008


i made a mohawk with some conditioner.
i should be a guy, like totally.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

like what char said...

got the news about a fairsian who probably committed suicide.
it's sad.
but im not feeling anything.
why am i such a heartless person.
im not a close friend of hers.
im merely an accquaintance.

i met her last year, on the second day of school.
because we were both in trouble for hair.
we talked a little, said hi every now and then in school.
and we just stopped, because i guess it became pointless.

i read her friends' blogs.
her friends were sad.
and one of them wrote this that made me a little... teary eyed, i guess.
she said

"We've been friends for 7 years, I thought 7 years was long.
But now, you'll always be my friend for 7 years,only 7 years.
No matter how old I grow, we've only spent 7 years together.
I swear, I would give the world to see you again, hear your laughter again.
You promised me you'll wait for me to come out from hostel,
Now that you're gone,
365days later, you will not be at lao di fang waiting for me.
So how am I supposed to live without you here with me?
I'll miss you so much you know, so much.
No other human can replace the place you took in my heart.
I love you, always have and always will."


it makes me wonder, how many people will feel the same way this friend of hers did.
life is really THAT fragile, THAT short and THAT unpredictable.
and like what char said,
"and we are reminded once again..."

i remember praying hard that it will be the end of the world by the time im done with my o levels.
and now, i guess im "living the moment" in poly.

like what char said...
that girl had a future.
life would get better for her if she had lived on.
and to die without seeing the world and growing up is a really sad thing.

we should just all do what Tokio Hotel says:
(it's a song in their album Scream.)

Monday, September 29, 2008

it's official!

everything has cleared up.
it cleared up at about 9+, 10pm.
i just needed some time to pluck my bean sprouts before blogging about this.

so the person i was suspecting really did turn out to be anon.
but he had his reasons for tagging that.
so now, everything is all good, he apologized and now,

the blog is going to have more ME in it.
he hogged the spotlight for the past 2 days.
i need my 2 days worth of attention back people.

mean, malicious tags about him will be ignored by me.
from now on, tags should be all about me.

and i still want to know who SOME1 is!
SOME1, you better tag me again.
i want to know who you are!

random, i wish bean sprouts were at least 5-8cm long.
it'll be so much easier to pluck than those, tiny less than a cm ones.

now life's a lot better.
i just need a credit card.
and my pay.
... and a new jacket.
and the sight of my eye candy.

love is in the air~

TO (in random order)

it really makes me all fuzzy and warm inside to see that there are people who are willing to provide me with such love in times like these.

i just want to know who that Some1 is.
:/ is Some1 a guy or girl.
a reader or random passerby.
someone i know, or really, someone really passing by.

): or can you at least tag more or something.

i have a tinkling suspicion of who anon is.
not that i will confront him or anything.
thanks to him, my blog hits have reached a number it has never reached before.
even on my birthday.
so anon, if you're reading this, im thanking you for it.
:/ if you are who i think you are, then i would say, "it's the 'femme' that gave you away."
and "yes, i read your blog."
sorry that im not pretty enough for your eyes.

i finally realise why i have been so depressed lately.
i keep forgetting the one thing every females hate, and has to go through it till she's like, 50 or so.
i seriously keep forgetting that females get periods.
i only remembered when i got stomach cramps today at work.
bah, it feels like secondary school all over again.

work today was worse than any other day.
i actually perspired in Daiso.
a little, but still, perspiring in an air-conditioned shopping mall, at the corner where the air con is the strongest, i think there's honestly something wrong with me.
other than that, life's good.
got the news that pay will be coming in on 5th October.
just in time for me to get birthday presents for some people.

i might work till end of october.
:/ depending on whether i can get a job at WCP.
it's so much more convenient for me.
and maybe i can get one with better pay.

so far, life's pretty much good.
:D and eye candies should remain as eye candies.
that crush has revert back to just eye candy.
if it mutates into a crush again, i'll make sure i blog about it.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

i am not going to let what anon tagged affect me.

i packed my room.
yay me, even though there's no difference at all.
i just remembered im suppose to catch up on my overdued journals.
In Tech, Theory of Design and my Design Blog.
heh, none of which i remembered to do till now.

oh yes, ellen did put me in a different group for the seminars.
:/ this time it's a whole new bunch of people and it's going to be very awkward for me.
somehow i cant wait for school to start.
i miss having to attend lessons.

i shall attempt not to be so emo this semester.
... which is nearly impossible.

im kinda enjoying my work at Daiso.
but i need someone there for me to ask "WHERE DO I SHELF THIS?", "WHERE'S -insert item name-, CUSTOMER'S ASKING FOR IT".
i broke 2 nails yesterday.
sigh, my nails are the most decent part of me.
and my hair is starting to lighten up.
:/ the colour's getting brighter with every wash, again.
im kinda regretting doing it blond the other time.

have been catching up on random japanese serials today.
i've watched gokusen 3 and psychometrer eiji.
once im done with both, i might consider watching Life.
i need something to fill up that void in my life.

... d'espairsray is such an awesome band.
although their music sounds a little twisted.

and thank you reen and doro for sticking up for me.
it's greatly appreciated.

:/ im not sure if anon is going to tag again.


i got slammed by some random person on my tagboard.
it has been 3 years since someone last tagged something like that.
... and i dont know how am i suppose to react to that.

im thinking whether am i being dragged into that Jessica-Audrey conflict about the copyrighted quote.
because if it is, then i'll be more than glad to just remain as a bystander.

i dont know Audrey/czeinwen that well.
we just tag on each other's blog every now and then.
:/ i dont know am i go step in and defend her when Jessica's fanbase come and leave malicious tags on her blog, or am i to try resolving the problem between the two.
right now, i just dont want to have anything to do with it.
sorry audrey, i really am.
i just dont want to get involved in any cross fire between the two of you.

and to anon, seriously, you have pointed out the most obvious thing ever, even if i didnt blog about the guy part.
  1. i get mistaken for a guy, loads of times.
  2. my lecturer did mention that i sounded damn act cute.
  3. and i admit that i am a very very very very very childish person.

but ugly or not, it's not up to you to decide or leave comments on.
as cliche as this is, everybody is gorgeous in the eyes of God.

im not drop-dead gorgeous, im just happy that i might at least blend in with the crowd a little.
being pretty requires hard work and it's very very tiring.
and i happened to be a very lazy person.
too bad for you that you happened to chance upon my blog.
i apologize for burning a hole right through your eyes.

so if you dont mind, you can either choose not to read my blog, or you can carry on spamming on my tagboard.
i dont know if anybody will want to defend me, because im a little too tired of living and i dont want to waste my energy trying to tag you back on something so obvious.

i must add.
if you think im ugly and that i look like a guy now, you should have seen me when i was 14.
or when i was in secondary school.
it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse than it is now.

now if you dont mind, i need to pack my room.
i do have a life, after all.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

ROAR, they didnt win the best pop video award though.
and britney won so many awards.

tokio hotel's awesomeeeeeeee.
:D because tom kaulitz's in there.

im up bright and early today.
:/ going to jb later with my brother.
need to find a way to get money.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

the thought of the end of the world still overwhelms me.
if the world really is going to end in about 4 years time, December 2012, then i would wish to die before that.
of asthma attack, or of gas poisoning.
im too huge of a coward to undergo prosecution.
and i have no idea who will i betray in the end.
roar, the thought of the end of the world, Satan coming down, the prophecies coming true and me dying when my life just started, it's eating me up alive.

im losing sleep at night because of that.
overwhelmed, still am.

im such a depressing person.
i have this depressing aura around.
and it all started last year, when austin got together with connie.
how awesome.

i was reading my past blog posts.
and it's all "roo is emo", "roo is a happy person, for now".
ROAR, i must attempt to be happier.
i havent got any time left to enjoy my life.

just wondering, if Christianity predicts that Satan is coming down and we're all going to be burned to death, and christians will not have that 666 marking on their arms, what about the other religions.
:/ will they have the 666 marking on their arms?
will they be the people who prosecutes all christians?

just a random thought.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

baaaaah, it's the end of the world.

im going to start looking for a job tomorrow.
i know it's kinda late to do so, but yes, im starting to look for one tomorrow.
because the accessories shop did not call me back.
): sadded.
i was so looking forward to getting a job there.

IMM today with chu.
walked around many many times i guess.
and i have to say i love daiso and popular bookstore and FOS.
... although that ginormous top i want is gone.
and i love the atmosphere at Mos burger.
it reminds me of last year, before char, chu and i flew off to china.

i bought a new sketch book.
-.- i always buy sketch books but never got down to using them.
and i bought a B5 folder from daiso.
yaaaay, and i bought a new black pen.
my pen's running out of ink anyway.

talked at Mos, and it makes me wonder my existence on Earth.
the end of the world is nearing, year 2012, December.
im hoping that Obama wont make any bad decisions since it will affect the rest of world.
i do not wish to die so young, but i think i dont have a choice.
when the time comes, it comes.
for now, i need to rethink and re-evaluate my life.
i need to find my faith in religion.
even if that means i'll die earlier.

i dont want to be one of Satan's little evil minions.
but i dont want to perform hara kiri.
i dont want to get my eyeballs gouged out or finger nails pulled out one by one.
if i get to choose, i wish to die by gas poisoning.
i want it fast and painless.
then i'll go up and meet God, and he'll judge me in front of everyone.
all my dirty little secrets will be exposed.
i think by then, i wont really care anymore.
i will feel shameful of course, but if i have done it, i might as well just face it.
i have no idea whether i'll be going up or down, but i think, high chance i'll be going down.

if i die before the end of the world, this is to those i know, love and hate.
thanks for being a part of my life.
roar, if i die tomorrow, please remember me.

Monday, September 1, 2008

im feeling normal now.
so i guess i should post something a little more decent.

:D YOU'RE 19 NOOOOOOW, so please, try to cut down on sexual intercourses will you?!
and please tell your twin brother to stop smoking.
it's bad for his throat.
party all you want, my love.
because the day we get married, is the day you stop all your late night parties and sex with groupies for good.

YES, it's tom's birthday today.
i wonder what did bill tattoo on himself this time.

seoul garden today.
feeling fatter than ever.

going to imm tomorrow.
hopefully i wont see anybody i know.

random pictures to make my blog post a little more easy on the eyes.

my 11 year old eyecandy.
from china.
:D he's 11 years old, and he has a piercing.
my little gangsta boy, HAHAHAHAHA!

i was skinnier once.
): wth happened to me.
poooooooooooooo, im deflating soon.

my birthday present from swee when i was 15.
taken 3 years ago, in the school girl's toilet.
see the pinkish tiles?


my part time maid got quite disgusted with it, i guess.
she probably threw it away because i cant seem to find it anymore.

HAHAHAHAHA, so people.
now you see what happens when you give me food for birthday presents.
they just rot in my room.

i'll only open in desperate times.
yes, ah mun and dawn.
your candies are still in my room, untouched.

i think i like that someone else now.
i kept giggling during seoul garden because of it.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

char's a meanpoooop.
and there's evidence of it!
>:3 RAH.

today's fieldtrip was blaaaaaah.
some interesting things to note :
  • singaporeans do actually do graffiti.
  • there's a gay bar at ann siang hill.
  • ... and yong shenq was the one who identified it.
  • the girls in my class get really excited over metal doors that reflect you in a weird way.


even though i hate him from being such an unstable guy, i think i am a more unstable person than he is.

i need to get a life, one that is not revolving around him.

oh yes, im going for the chalet.
still not exactly that excited about it.
what if nobody plays with meeeeee.

Monday, August 18, 2008

i was looking through my friendster profile today.
and i realise how much i have changed over the years.

this is me when i was in sec 3.

... i couldnt really find any decent picture of me in sec 4.

and this was late last year to early this year, just before i entered poly.

and this is the question that was in my head.

... what in the world happened to me?!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008



  1. i was listening to hannah montana the very second i turned 18.
  2. my mum decided to cook in the end, omg.
  3. dawn and my friend from sp wished me happy birthday WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY before it was my birthday.
  4. i was talking to char for like, almost the entire day.
  5. i believe that im aging a little too fast, im an old fart already. omg.
  6. char was trying to cheer me up so damn badly.
  7. everytime i talk to char, i will somehow always direct the topic to my eyecandy.
  8. grass said im not old, im just old enough to buy sex toys and watch m18 moovies.
  9. char was the last person i talked to before i went to bed, and she said "hope you dream of you ec tonight."
  10. i watched project runway 4 the entire day, and i have yet to complete the entire season till now.

roar, i have completed my model!
:D i have this HUUUUUUUGE sense of accomplishment today.

wore my pajamas pants and my huge white "leave me alone" shirt to school.
obviously the world stared, and my self esteem kinda went down.
roaaar! until dawn told me that her best friend thinks im damn cool.
cool people wear pajamas pants to school, yo!

something happened today.
was initially very very very happy.
then uh, i slowly became a little emo.
and i have to say that i kinda lost feelings for my eye candy.
it's a really sad thing. roaar!
but then again, i might like him all over again.
D: im such a complicated person, gah.

HAHAHAHA! mooooore peekchars later.
photobucket is a meaaaaanpoop.

1000 stars are passing by.

Monday, August 11, 2008

birthday was lame.
i spent the entire day watching project runway at home.

but today, IT WAS AWESOME.
met dawn in the morning, she was laaaate.
D: but i got presents!

went to school, and -i think- yiliang wanted to smack me eighteen times.
roaaar, stupid birthday traditions.
it's not so fun now that the joke's on me.

hahaha, VALEWEE cameeee.
and i got my first cakeeeeee.
it was tinyyyyy, so it's meant for just meeeeee.

the bunch of people that was in the studio sang the birthday song for me.
:D i dont really remember who was in there.
i remember ah mun, valewee, yiliang and liming was there.
i think allen, henry, daryl and ashraf was in there too.

after that, i tried to complete my model with my dying will.
then i left for sushi with stefu, nicole and vic.

after sushi, stefu bought me another cake.
and i think im going to eat it tomorrow.
i'll bring it to school if i dont have the time to eat that in the morning.

today was awesome.
my class singing the birthday song for me, it's a first.

peekchars tomorrow, when i bring my labtop to school tomorrow.
there's something wrong with my bluetooth on vista.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008

just a little rant post.

after thinking, about the same topic, over and over and over.
i honestly think i live a very pathetic life.
im 17 going on 18, single (not that i really care, seriously), i lost faith in this stupid and rather annoying thing called love and in religion and im friendless (more or less).

i have lost my best friends in life,
my friends and i, have drifted apart quite some time ago.
even though we are on talking terms, it will be.. quite uncomfortable for me to go out with them now.
i have no idea why, but it feels that way.

i just stopped hanging out with everyone.
in fact, i think i was the one who severed all ties with them.
not that i want to, i just dont like taking the initiative to talk to people sometimes.

i really want my life to change.
making friends will be a good start.

it's always during birthdays where you actually sit down and reflect on what you have done during your entire life on Earth.
and so far, the only thing im proud to say i have acheived.. is probably wearing braces for like 6 years, and that, is not something you can actually be proud of.

i guess i'll be emo-ing for the next few days or so.
i think i will need mini MnMs again.

sometimes i really wish i didnt exist.
maybe then it wouldnt hurt so much to live.