Thursday, April 29, 2010

I'm worried about my future...
I kinda fear it actually.

Does anyone else feel the same too?

Monday, April 26, 2010

A bunch of good and bad things have happened to me recently. Most of which, I am extremely thankful for.

It has been raining for the past few days, making it extremely cooling. The fact is, because of the recent series of earthquakes, the precipitation in Singapore has raised a little. It sounds really cruel to say this, but I really am very thankful for being in Singapore, where we are not so easily affected by earthquakes. That being said, if Singapore ever experience an earthquake, you wouldn't be able to find any survivors.

Today, I got a gift from a very good friend. And I first went, heh? why a bag?! And just now, something flew out of the package that she gave to me, turns out it was a card. ... Really nice, really touching. Thank God I read it at home.


My life has been pretty great these days. Apart from my occasional anger outburst. :D

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Looking back on the things I've done,
I was trying to be someone.

I had awesome hair back then,

I haz awesome hair now.

But I still miss my red hair a lot. D:

Monday, April 19, 2010

I just heard that I was the baddest in the town.
So I came down and had to pick up my crown.
Rap music is not good for your wellbeing. It just makes you a lot more agitated.

First day of school started out pretty well. It was nice seeing familiar faces and being in a familiar environment again. I got to school real early today just to get seats in a strategic location. Well, it worked partially. People I don't like are still around, but at least we are nearer to the lecturers. This year is going to be a year of extreme hard work. I have to pull up my GPA.

A few things I do not get on a day like this though..

  1. If you know that someone, or a bunch of people, is not exactly very fond of you, will you still stick to that person like glue? Seriously...?
  2. How can a taxi not have GPS, or how can a taxi driver not know an area well.
Please enlighten me with some great wisdom, dear readers of mine. If not, I just might get pissed over little things like these all over again, all day long.
Do you know what it's like...

To want to do something you want so badly,
but yet at the same time, fear that you will fail at it,
and end up losing everything you have.

Do you really know?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

One, two, buckle my shoe.
No one on the corner has swagger like I do

Yesterday marks the end of my internship program. As all good things come to an end, it's probably appropriate to have some sort of closure for it.

Seven weeks just flew by.

I remember the first day being all worried that I will get fired on the first day, or within the first week for my inability to blend in with the rest of the world in terms of dressing and hair. Alas, the in-charge said that we can wear whatever we want, we are designers after all, much to Cindy's disapproval.

Of course, being given the freedom, I should not abuse it, so I kept all my awesome stuff away from work, and decided on wearing a bunch of shirts that looks pretty much normal with no slogans on it. -_- And I ended up getting nicknames like Superman and Transformers because of it. -_-

Within the seven weeks, I have made a few friends, and I have learned much. While they may say that this working environment is a positive one, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is free from negativity. Office politics still exist, and cliques are most definitely still present.

Seven weeks, I learned of my new hidden talent, and I learned that I most definitely want to pursue what I really dream of, regardless of what others might say. At least let me try, people. It may be unrealistic, but at least let me give it a shot, if I really do not make it, you may then point and laugh at me till you faint from the pain in your tummy.

Heh, this post is becoming a little weird...

On a lighter note, I just got my hair dyed and a hair cut. :DD
I has awesome hair again. :D ... It's something along the line of the photo above.. :D

Friday, April 2, 2010

I was suppose to be enjoying my day today.

Supposed to, but turns out my mother woke up late, and a whole chain of events occurred and now I am at work. -_- And I will be working for the entire weekend.

So much for enjoying the long weekend. -_-
My lady, my baby
the shawty I admire.

Anger, pretty much all I am feeling for the past few days.

Lots of things have happened recently that made me think a lot about my characters and what I believe in.

I talk too much for my own good, waaaay too much. And sometimes it probably gives people the wrong impression that I am a major bitch. :/ I probably am, but it only happens to those who have offended me directly. :/ I see no need to bitch about a person whom I heard rumours of.

Being angry is actually very addictive. You get pissed at something, you start cursing and swearing, and you do everything that you're not suppose to. Like pointing the middle finger and calling names that you only hear in movies or TV shows.

That is a very good reason to why the guys I like go for the girls around me, or they get scared and just shun me with their dying wills. Therefore it just shows that I need to get a husband of a different race. Preferably German :D with the surname Kaulitz, is a rock star and has a penchant for dreadlocks or cornrows. :D

I think I scared my crush away with my inappropriate behaviour, either that or he's really attached, really old and all he wants is just sex and I am not up for such things.

Dear Tom Kaulitz,

If you are reading this, please make contact with me.
I promise I'll be nice and not throw tantrums at you.
