Monday, May 31, 2010

Well well well...

I cut classes today, to work. Ironic that people usually cut class to go out and have fun while I cut class to work. -_-

So I got home, and I found a stranger in my house.

No, nobody broke into my home. Turns out the other day when my mother said she packed the house, it was just bullshit. ._.

No way in frickin hell will she pack or clean a house till its spick and span. Yep, my mother hired a part-time maid.

Behold, the power of money. -_-

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

So today, I came home to a HUGE surprise.

I know something was going on in my room because I do not usually open up the windows and curtains to let the sun shine into my room. So I knew something was up.

I went in and was pretty shocked to see that... my room is all neat and tidy.

I went home slightly earlier today so that I could pack up my room a bit. But I came home to see that someone else had done the job for me... Huge surprise isn't it.

The bigger surprise, my mum was the one who cleaned up my room.

My mother is one who really really hates doing housework, but loves going out to work and meet new people. And here I am, the total opposite. I frickin hate going out to meet new people, because I am a social-retard, I don't exactly know how to behave in front of strangers. :/

So yes, this came as a shock to me, finding out that my mother was the one who cleaned up my room and it did not look sloppy the way she had did it before.

Of course, my dad and I have our doubts that she hired a part-time maid to do so. But I shall just be happy that my room is like, clean, FINALLY.

So this was how it was before, when I started moving my furniture around, and packing up a little. I really have not gotten down to clearing the entire room, but it's just part of it. ._.

And when I came home today, it became like this. O_O
Obviously I moved the furniture around first, and it was a whole lot messier. But my mother packed it... shockingly enough. :/

Clean eh? :D


And I am still nervous for tomorrow. D:

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I guess it happens when you are planning and is about to do something major behind everyone's back. :DD

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Post-It #2

A little something-something that inspired me today. :D

I really don't know why is the photo so green. D:

Friday, May 21, 2010

I said I will try to blog with more photos. :D

So for the past few days, a sudden obsession for Post-Its happened.

... Maybe it's because of the wide range of colours it comes in, or maybe Maureen influenced me too much during my internship. I just ended up buying 4 stacks of Post-Its and have been doing my best to waste as much of it as possible in the randomest way possible . :D

Not just Post-Its, I just spend most of what little allowance I get from my parents on random stationary. ... Like that Bumblebee folder which I will be using soon for some classes I signed up for. :D

This is a good way to waste my Post-Its. Just write random captions on it, stick on something near you and take a photo of it. :D

I just might end up redefining myself as a blogger. ... Post-Its is the way to go! :D
I shall be known as the blogger who uses a lot of Post-Its on her blog. :D

On a random note, I have decided to try a few things, which is coming up with 3 things I am going to try to achieve for the week.

The past few days, or may I say, the past week, have been kind of blah. Blame the bad weather, blame my lack of motivation to do anything. I can't help but feel that my life has lost meaning to it. And for a random hour, I actually wanted to get a tattoo.

To those who have no clue about it, I am not against tattoos, but I would never have thought of getting one on myself. It just didn't feel like me, make sense?

I have actually made significant progress regarding my plans for the future, I just hope I get what I want. I am worried and I fear for my future. I do not want to end up doing Interior Design for the next 30-35 years of my life, get all stressed up and die in an empty office only to have my body found 2 weeks later. D:

I know I am being extremely negative about the ID industry, but really, after my internship, I think I can safely say that I DO NOT WANT TO DO INTERIOR DESIGN FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. I will consider if it is like 1-5 years, but not 30-35 years of my dwindling youth. D:

I shall hope to achieve these 3 tasks. :D
I love Post-Its. :D
Every time someone asks me about my Jeremy Scott Adidas shoes, I feel compelled to lie.

Because they are so cheap, it just crumbles that image I painstakingly built up for myself. But then, they are real. So I am in a bit of a dilemma here.

To lie or not to lie...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sometimes I just can't believe how impossibly childish a guy can be when he's being consumed by anger and jealousy.

Today, Val and I were discussing something over lunch. In case anyone hasn't noticed, or read up on Tokio Hotel's latest news, Tom has got himself a Viagra overdose. Such a shame for someone who is turning 21 this year. And such a shame that I regarded him as my celebrity husband.

So we were discussing about sex and Viagra and men who are impossibly disgusting. And this guy came into our topic: GARY NG, also known as the Edison Chen of Singapore.

Edison Chen has a track record of being a playboy, obviously because of his good looks. And as many would know, his not-so-recent scandal of taking photos of the females he had sex with was the talk of the town for nearly a year, and most likely many more years to come.

This Gary Ng dude, instead of taking photos, he FILMS them down, most likely without them knowing and puts it up on the internet.


One word : REVENGE.

After being cheated on and dumped by 3 of his long-term relationship girlfriends, he decided to turn against the female population and have sex, film it down and post it up on the internet for the world to see that HE'S KING OF THE WORLD and decides to humiliate the female population, blah blah blah.

Many of his incredibly disgusting videos include him having sex with his cousin, some auntie selling beer, some random people he picked up. Yes, I repeat, incredibly disgusting.

Not to mention some of them are being filmed without their knowledge. How low can he get?!

I find it a little sad that sex and virginity these days are being treated like shit. It is no longer that sacred thing that one should preserve anymore.

... And it really doesn't help that the guy is not drop-dead gorgeous or has a beastly hot bod... like Taylor Lautner *coughs* and he's most likely not young either. I mean, come on, 3 long term relationships, each lasting nearly 10 years?

All I can say is he's trying his very best not to be a 40-year-old virgin and die a laughing stock.

He claims that he masks his face and his partner(s) face so as to protect the person's identity, and not let the person die from being humiliated by their friends for having sex with a guy like him.

But is that helping?
I don't think so. It probably would have helped if HE DID NOT POST IT UP ON THE INTERNET. Urgh.

I am just feeling extremely disgusted about it. That a guy, who's old, not exactly drop-dead gorgeous, has had sex with that many girls and are actually posting it up on the internet. He claims to "love women".

Is this a way to treat women?! Humiliating them by secretly filming them while they had sex with you and posting it up on the internet?!

Urgh, men.

Monday, May 17, 2010

I kinda understand how it must be to be a skinny girl and yet complain all the time that she's not skinny enough.

... I kinda understand.

Just a few nights ago, I was whining in my head that I am not fair enough, and that I am not tall enough.

Then I remembered how the people around me always go "You are so fair already! D: And you are slightly taller than the average girls around.."

Ironic isn't it, how I hate skinny girls who keep saying that they are fat. And here I am insisting that I am not fair and tall enough. D:

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My family is as dysfunctional as the family being portrayed in My Family...
Or even worse.

It really would be nice to leave it all behind.

The word Family is over-rated.
"Family" is just putting a bunch of people who have nothing in common together and making them live with each other till they piss each other off and die.

I'm just saying...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I really don't want to grow up.

I had a conversation with a friend recently...

And someone she knows and love told her that she has changed. And it got me wondering...

Have the people around me changed so much without me knowing? I recently went out with my friends from primary school, yes we still keep in contact and my mother only feels safe enough when she hears that I am hanging out with them no matter how late it is.

I have no idea since when, but we have started drifting apart... Ever since graduation from secondary school, we have found new friends, new cliques, new bunch of people to hang out with. There suddenly seem to be a lack of communication between us.

I cannot really remember a time where I felt so awkward with either one of them.

Did everyone just grow up before I started realising it?

It seems like while everyone is growing up, pursuing other interests in life, I am still stuck here, on the same spot, trying to grab hold of whatever that is left in my memory...

Pathetic, I know.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

At this moment, when I am so positively sure of what I want to do, I still am hesitating and questioning myself which route to take. Shocking, but true.

... I really hate myself for that.

The weather these days have been extremely terrible. It goes from extremely hot to extremely cooling. And the many people around me in studio are getting sick. (Flu bug has been spreading around, can't really help it.) Not to mention, people EVERYWHERE! On the bus, walking past me, walking beside me, just really stink. D:

Is it really that hard to take a shower in the morning, people?! Maybe I am too much of a hygiene freak, but really, when you are not living in a temperate country, you really really ought to shower in the morning before you go out to meet the world. Unless you are one who thinks you wake up smelling all fresh and nice... -_-

I have been coughing my lungs out at home, and not coughing at all in studio. I get random headaches at random times, and I am kind of suspecting if I have a brain tumor.

I have decided not to think that way, and think instead that it is my room at fault. For being too dusty and messy. Since there "are no classes tomorrow", I have decided to clean up my room, hopefully it works. D:

My mother is going all "If you are sick, you better go see a doctor/take the cough medicine or you can't go Hong Kong."

Speaking of which, I AM TOTALLY EXCITED ABOUT! :DD I am going to somewhere where I CAN FINALLY SHOP. PROPERLY. Without having to be dragged around by people to meet people I have either no clue about, therefore not giving 2 flying poops about, or people I really really, totally do not care about. Oh yes, that includes not being dragged around to somewhere I really don't like. Makes sense?

I finally got myself the Ikea table I wanted so badly. ... But I didn't manage to get the computer table because "it's being discontinued", that's what the person at Ikea said. -_- Really, people, is it so hard to get a red computer table?!

I have been reaching hits I used to hit back 1-2 years ago, before I went on a hiatus. :D

SUSHI TOMORROW, I am feeling better already. :D

Friday, May 7, 2010

Sorry for not posting up anything lately... :/

So here are some updates about me and my life, not that anybody really cares.

  1. I am going to Hong Kong! :D 22-25 June with my classmates :D THIS SPELLS FREEDOM FROM ALL SORTS OF CRAP.
  2. Yeah, that means that I will not be going to Melbourne to look for my bitch. Sad, and it's all thanks to ...
  3. I was on my way to get lunch, and I got stopped by a bunch of random people asking me to take part in a photo shoot. Awesome and embarrassing at the same time. D: It pays to have awesome hair in school
  4. I have found myself a new husband who only looks nice in certain hair styles and colour, namely ASH GREY or BLOND. (KAN FROM F.CUZ! >_<)
  5. My mother is positively sure that I will get hacked into a gabajillion pieces in Hong Kong because of my hair colour. (See below for picture.)
  6. Apparently, I look like someone who would do things that Madonna will do, not that it's a bad thing, really.
So yes, my life is really not that exciting.

Monday, May 3, 2010

It is not "a new friend gained", but "a new form of emotional torture".

My current life summed up in a few words.

Because I don't like it when people I don't like come too close for comfort.