Tuesday, December 2, 2008

the little things that scare me.

a long-lost friend of mine just added me on facebook.

it scares me because the last i heard of him was that he has short term memory.
as in, suddenly amnesia just hit him, and he was in the hospital and has forgotten many many many things.

he hasnt been the nicest of friends.
but at least, i guess, there were still some not-so-bad memories of him lingering around.

... and he has changed so much.
D: he was like, that nerdy guy who probably gets bullied in his secondary school class.
and suddenly, he has uh, piercings and he's probably uh, trying to buff up his body or something.

i think no matter what he does, he's still that nerdy friend of mine.
the hardcore bastard who slog his guts out to do damn well for exams, and that annoying self-centered moron who takes pictures like a twit.
(insults are probably our way of communicating.)

if he ever reads my blog, i guess i have 2 words for him about his new image.

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