Friday, August 28, 2009


I want to get an awesome pair of headphones~. And now I am stuck between 3 awesome pairs that I found online. They each cost within the range of $70-$75.

:/ Which one should I get?
I guess things got better today.

I went to sleep last night, feeling awfully sad. And I wore my favourite hoodie to sleep, which havent worn since I got back from Hong Kong.
I woke up, feeling real bad still because of the critique I had yesterday.

But then, today I got a call from the lady at Suntec. Finally. :D

So tomorrow, I am starting work. :D From 1-7pm. I know it really is not much, but I guess, any amount of money will do now. I hope she will let me work longer as the days go by. :D Then I can afford to get a new pair of awesome headphones, and other random stuff that I kind of want.

Oh yes, that includes a digital camera. :D

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I am guessing I like to stay up late. Because even though I can and should be doing my work right now, I would still rather blog right now.

:/ Things are not as awesome as I thought it was. And I wonder what is wrong with me. Am I being too sensitive for thinking that I have offended everyone, or did I really offend everyone. Because it seems that they would rather talk to someone I do not like than me.

This blog post is probably all rant. ... I look forward to the holidays where I do not have to face anyone from studio.

I have insecurity problems, because "friends" tend to abandon me once they found other more popular and "fun" people. It has probably been this way since I was young, and I never really understood why. They just suddenly just stop talking to me, and I wonder what is wrong with me.

I do not like being the extra one, but usually I always am. I do not like being abandoned and left alone, but usually things like that happen. Sometimes I really want to give up trying to... make friends with people, because things usually end up this way...?

I am always the one people use when they have other problems with their friends. What does that make me?!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I shall attempt to complete 3 models today. ;_;

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I saw this on Joshua Ang's blog, yes I do read his blog. -.-

... Actually I have seen this video a few years back. Only thing was, I am not affected by it. :/

Like yes, it is painful. Or it looks painful. :/ I just think that it is just pretty.. awesome, if I may say so. :/ No, I do not want to have it in my head.

I like to indulge in all things gross and scary when I am especially emo. It just so happened that I was really depressed when I was in Secondary 5.

I first saw that breast larvae picture when I was about 15. D: Only to have my little bubble burst 2 years later when I found out that the breast larvae picture is nothing more than just photo manipulation on Photoshop, using a picture of a breast, and the lotus seed pod.

That is just nasty. But at least, it is half-true.

While that disgusting picture up there is a photo manipulation, this however, is real.

Are you feeling sick yet? :D

Monday, August 10, 2009

I guess nothing beats coming home to a Facebook wall full of birthday wishes from your friends. (:

Today was not a really great day, but it is not the worst I ever had. :/

So thank you to Val, Ashler and Ah Munna for planning this class lunch today.

And thank you to those who turned up.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Around 2 hours more. D:

I am feeling old already.
And I guess I lost having the excitement of birthdays. :/

Yes, it is my birthday tomorrow. And I am not really that excited at all. How sad is this.

I really should have bought the milk lotion instead. D: I bought a new bottle of body lotion today, Vaseline's cocoa butter. D: And my room smells like The Body Shop, not in a good way. D:

And... it really does not seem to be doing anything for my skin. D: I really should have stuck to Johnson's Baby Milk lotion instead. D:

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Today is a productive day. :D

I completed 2 of my 10 spaces. :D And I made an omelette, and jello. :D

My blog is getting boring. D: And I wish that I can get a camera soon. :/ I want my blog to be full of pictures. :D

And I want to snap pictures of everyone, so that I will remember them as I grow old.

The tagboard at the side is for blogshop advertisements. Please do not tag there. Click on the link below each post to comment instead, thanks. :D

Friday, August 7, 2009

This afternoon during school hours, I received a phone call from my mother. And I was thinking "oh shit, what does she want from me now."

I picked up the call, and she was sobbing on the phone telling me that my grandmother, her mother, is dying. And asked me what time will I be reaching home.

At that moment, when she said my grandmother is dying, I really said "So?", throwing everything right back to her.

I know I may seem to be the most not filial grandchild ever, but seriously, it really is not as if I am that close to her. We do not talk, there is a language barrier between us. She has not done anything for me that will place her in my memory vault.

Ah Munna went "She is your grandmother, you have her genes whether you like it or not" and proceeded to smack me lightly on my shoulder.

Whether I like it or not, I have her genes. And I am grateful for that, because having her genes allows me to have bigger eyes than my brother. BIG.EYES. :D I just do not feel anything for her. Emphasis on the DO NOT, because I am totally not close to her.

To her, I probably am just another grandchild, the quiet one with the bright bright hair that she totally disapproves of.

I really did not care much, but I slowly found myself slipping into a really foul mood after that. Many things, unpleasant things, happened this week. And having my grandmother dying is like having the icing on the whole Unpleasant Week Cake. Gah.

Maybe I really am full of pure evil.

And it just really has to be just before my birthday.

I still went to the hospital to visit. -.- One of my aunts snubbed my brother and I. And it turns out, my grandmother fell, and she was due for a checkup tomorrow but was not feeling too well today. So my mother thought she was dying.

And for some reason, my grandmother kept looking at me in the hospital. Like spying on me like a haaawk. D:

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I saw a lot of things today.

I was watching people play Jenga, and I saw my childhood. I remember playing Jenga alone at home, when my parents were out at work, and my brother was supposedly at school.

I am becoming more and more depressed.
Ah Munna and Ashler have been painstakingly organising events for my birthday. Painstakingly. But really, I do not see myself having such fun on my birthdays and I am trying my best to talk them Ah Munna out of it.
My birthdays are really often remembered as me being alone at home, using the computer. While everyone else goes out for their appointments.
Either that, or I am studying at home for Prelims.

It just hit me that I probably had a rather deprived childhood. :/

I really do not want to get close to anybody. At this moment in time, I just want to curl up in some isolated corner alone.
It may seem like I am extremely free right now. But actually, I have shitloads of things to do. D:

I am going to attempt completing my model by the end of next week. Which means that I have to complete one segment a day. D: And I had to pick one tough material to work with.

Birthday's next Monday.
I am not feeling excited about it at all.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

VPOST has officially fucking pissed me off.

I am a proud holder of the UOB Now card, because it is red :D and has many many awesome privileges.

And it really made me awfully happy that being a UOB card holder means that I am eligible to use a promotional code which allows me to have 10-15% off shipping. :D

But guess what?!

When I tried using the code and my card, vpost kept reflecting to me that my card is not a credit card issued by the bank. I thought, maybe it is a debit card, and they specified CREDIT card, that is why I am not eligible to use the code and had to pay the full shipping fee which came up to $100++.

Today, I checked, and I found out that the UOB Now card IS a credit card issued by the bank.

Fuck, I am awfully pissed now.

I just sent a "comment/feedback" to Vpost and they had better give me a proper explanation to that.
I really hate it when people demand for things from you.
Especially since they have done nothing to deserve it.

Do not come asking for things from me, especially since you have never given anything much in return for something like that.
You really do not deserve it.

Selfish is not a word you have a right to use at all.


Thank God I won the tickets to the premiere. :D

And today is an awesome day! :D

I got my pay, I got to watch GI Joe, and I bought stuff! :D

Monday, August 3, 2009


:D And I saw Xiaxue and her boyfriend walking into the cinema. ._.

And Isetan sells some pretty yummy sandwiches. :D

I have quite a bit to do right now. D: To make up for lost time due to the movie today and tomorrow. D:

Sunday, August 2, 2009

I am happy that half of my blog readers are not from Singapore.
(This means I am going worldwide! :D:D:D)

But at the same time, I really do wish that people will start tagging. D:
I do not care if it is to spam about how obnoxious I am, how fat and ugly I am, how I should get a life and stop moping around, or how I am so not going to win the SgBlogAwards.

I just want people to leave their mark on my blog. D:
I want fans! I WANT HATERS! D:

Is that too much to ask for?!

Am I to dress up nicely for the premieres? D:

I am struggling with my InTech dossier. D: RAH!

D: I want to buy packs. D: But nobody seems to have enough instock for my orders. D:

The more I look at photos, the more I feel I should not have cut my hair.
My bob was awesome, and it had an awesome hair colour too.

I miss having bangs, but my family thinks it is just wrong to have bangs!
They think it is ugly because it "covers up the third eye."
(so much for my family being Christians.)
And also because it covers most of my eyes.


I miss you, my bangs and bob. ;_;

Saturday, August 1, 2009

If I cannot find anything WTH-ish to blog about within the next few hours or days, I think I really will not stand a chance to win that title at all. D:
My mother really does not know when to quit it.

Like I said, I want to take a break for at least a week or so before looking for another job. D: My mother has taken it upon herself to look for another job for me.

Sorry for complaining so much. But really, she just think that I should take up any job she finds.

I will never ever think of my mother looking for a job for me without linking to her having a motive behind it.

Even if I do not want to take up that job, she will pressurise me into taking it up. -.- Really, with that disapproving stare and stuff.