Wednesday, August 13, 2008



  1. i was listening to hannah montana the very second i turned 18.
  2. my mum decided to cook in the end, omg.
  3. dawn and my friend from sp wished me happy birthday WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY before it was my birthday.
  4. i was talking to char for like, almost the entire day.
  5. i believe that im aging a little too fast, im an old fart already. omg.
  6. char was trying to cheer me up so damn badly.
  7. everytime i talk to char, i will somehow always direct the topic to my eyecandy.
  8. grass said im not old, im just old enough to buy sex toys and watch m18 moovies.
  9. char was the last person i talked to before i went to bed, and she said "hope you dream of you ec tonight."
  10. i watched project runway 4 the entire day, and i have yet to complete the entire season till now.

roar, i have completed my model!
:D i have this HUUUUUUUGE sense of accomplishment today.

wore my pajamas pants and my huge white "leave me alone" shirt to school.
obviously the world stared, and my self esteem kinda went down.
roaaar! until dawn told me that her best friend thinks im damn cool.
cool people wear pajamas pants to school, yo!

something happened today.
was initially very very very happy.
then uh, i slowly became a little emo.
and i have to say that i kinda lost feelings for my eye candy.
it's a really sad thing. roaar!
but then again, i might like him all over again.
D: im such a complicated person, gah.

HAHAHAHA! mooooore peekchars later.
photobucket is a meaaaaanpoop.

1000 stars are passing by.

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