Saturday, May 5, 2012

It's MY break.

It's a public holiday, here on snot-sized island, Singapore.

And as with all my public holidays, I do what I cannot do on a regular day.

Today seems to be pretty productive, as always. And here is a list of things I have done. :D

  1. Packed my room, obviously.
  2. Washed my bedsheets, aired my pillows, bolster and toys after beating the crap out of it because I saw this article :
  3. Detoxed my body a bit.
  4. And I'm in the works of doing up a new blogskin because I am sick of this current one already.
  5. Oh, on top of that, I put on new laces for my new Vans shoes. And it looks really pretty. 
Pretty, isn't it.


Today is a good day, now I wish to have my weekends off permanently. ):

Friday, May 4, 2012


How far would you go to protect someone you care about?

Would you turn away from the other people who care about you?
Would you do anything to protect them, including hurting those you misled to thinking that you actually do care?

When someone opens up to you, pour out whatever is inside of them, do you make use of that person's vulnerability to have them accomplish the task that you know you will not do because it taints the image you portray to others?

Or do you simply pretend to give a fuck about something, then go on talking behind that person's back?

Thing is, does it really have to be this complicated?
Why can't interaction with others be as easy as 123?