Monday, February 21, 2011

If I lose all the excess weight, I will chop my hair up, or even shave it into a mohawk.

): The world is so unfair.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Whoever who still reads this space...

It's the last lap to my Final Year Project.

Lots of shit had happen over the past few days. But I have lots to look forward to this Friday. :D
Like my Harry Potter books, me ordering more from Hot Topic.

And even considering getting a new camera, which brings me to my main topic for this post.
This is suppose to be a post filled with many photos, which I will be uploading later.

FYP period has made me... a little more stressed than I usually am. And in times of stress, I turn to shopping online. I have bought shitloads of things online, and I have burned a huge hole in my pocket. D:
  1. Harry Potter Book Set, Hard Cover, Adult Illustration.
  2. Limited Edition Cadillac Escalade Key Chain.
  3. 2 pairs of leggings, which the order should have been cancelled LAST YEAR.
  4. Face Mask.
Yes, I spent a lot. D:

But anyway, I am actually thinking of getting another camera. o_o Because cameras with flip screens are gooood. :D

All graduating students have to take part in a photo shoot, of which the photo will be on our presentation panels/website and shit.

And on the day of my photo shoot, I took my friend's camera and took more photos of myself... Because I am narcissistic like that. ._.

And it just made me want a flip-screen camera even more. DD:
Now I am considering the Canon G12, and Samsung EX-1.
I would want the G12 more because the other brand IS Samsung, and my last experience with my Samsung camera hasn't gone all that well.

Rah, why are cameras so expensive. ;A;

But anyway, here are the many photos I took of myself, and I must say, I take pride in being the fairest among my friends. :DD

Being fair-skinned is a good thing. :DD

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A part of me wishes...

A part of me wishes that I wasn't this fat,
that way I can wear whatever I want, and I won't sound ridiculously desperate when I say I am happy when I bump into an eye candy.
Also, I can eat all that I want without having the fear of being judged by others.

But if I am not this fat, I probably will not be able to filter out the people who are just making use of me. And I will not be able to filter out the guys who are only into girls for their looks. (which is pretty much every single guy I have ever met.)

And I wouldn't have prayed for all the food I eat to be converted to and stored as calcium and Vitamin A instead of fats.

A part of me wishes for me to be a little more capable,
that way I can do things with ease, and I won't have to worry about retaining in living hellhole.
I would be able to complete tasks with ease, and at lightning speed, that way I would have more time to do the little things I want, like sleeping in till 2pm everyday.

And also, if I were capable, I would probably be the one who created Facebook, meaning to say I have found a business that would generate so much money that I could just leave school, or just sell the stocks and retire at a young age.

A part of me wishes to be less sensitive to people,
that way the little things people do will not affect my mood so much.

And I would probably be a much happier person, with a positive outlook on life.

A part of me wishes to be less self-conscious,
so I can wear and behave the way I am, and not fear of being judged. And even if I get judged, I would point the middle finger at them, and tell them to take their asses elsewhere.

Wouldn't the world be a better place if Bruce Almighty, in the first 30 minutes of the show, really is God?
I could pray for all that, and it would all come true.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Happy Fucking New Year to you too.

Apparently this is what I mean, and where I stand in the eyes of my boss.

Today, I dragged myself out of bed, went to work feeling really annoyed because its the second last day of the most dreaded holidays of the year, Chinese/Lunar New Year.

I hate Chinese New Year, for the many reasons I shall state below...
  1. I HAVE to be nice, meaning I can't curse and swear or say stuff about death. Eg. "I am going to stuff myself with so much food that it will shorten my life by 10 years."
  2. My dad gets pissed if I do not wish him Happy New Year first thing in the morning.
  3. I have to visit my relatives and pretend that I give a damn about their lives.
  4. I have to be nice and wish relatives Happy New Year while listen to them brag about their kids/nag about not having a boyfriend just so I get a red packet which contains a sum so tiny that I can earn it in less than an hour at work.
  5. And of course, there is always the bunch of people who goes to selective people's house just so they can get more money out of it.
Pathetic holiday.

There is an upside to it though.
Like how my room is super neat now, and super clean.
I packed my insanely messy shelf in about 3 hours, and I halved it contents by throwing out nearly everything.

Just look at it! :D

And I packed my makeup into little drawers I got from Ikea. Expensive drawer unit, but I love it because my makeup now is neat and tidy.

I have gotten a little obsessed with cleanliness, and I think it is safe to call me a germaphobe, given that I wipe down every part of my room with disinfectant the moment someone, apart from me, comes into my room and touch it.

And another awesome thing about this holiday is that we get an extended, super long weekend.

The holiday this year falls on a Thursday and Friday. Usually the eve of the holiday is a half-day at work or at school. But this year, my school gave us an extra day of rest. Which means that if I skip school on Monday and Tuesday, I will end up having the entire week off.

Yeah, super long holiday. And most shops are closed too for the holidays. Usually business resumes on the third or fourth day of the holiday.

Which brings me to my point,

I went to work today, like all hardworking employees do for minimum wage. I worked as usual, and at the end of the day, I reported my sales as usual to my boss....

Only to be notified 2 hours later that the shop was only going to open for business again starting Monday.

Meaning to say I worked for nothing today, I got up and dragged myself to work for nothing.

And I only got notified today, 2 hours after I reported sales to her, because she had forgotten about me.

Story of my life.

On a lighter note, I found a pretty picture of me so I am going to post it up because I looked pretty in it.