Sunday, February 28, 2010

Imma heartbreaker...

ITP tomorrow.

I am both excited and nervous. D:

Excited because this could be the start of something new. I might end up hating Interior Design a lot more than I do right now. And extremely nervous, because if I get fired I will end up having to go through this hell hole all over again.

I hope I will at least be able to do well for this ITP, and I pray that 7 weeks will just fly by even before I know it.

That blazer I invested in better be awesome enough to last me through 7 weeks of ITP. D:

I shall make some awesome french toast later when I get home.


I found out what she looked like. I wasn't shocked, I was just surprised. Very pleasantly surprised at how different she was compared to what I had in mind.

Can I give up now, for she's everything I'm not.

Contrary to popular belief, I DO have a conscience and I am NOT a heartbreaker. Seriously, people.

My attachment program officially starts this Monday.

:/ And all I can do right now is pray hard that I will be able to get through the next 7 weeks without much problems. D:
I hope I don't get fired within the first week, or get fired at all. ;A;
It hasn't even started, but I already am looking forward to the end of it. I am just being positive. Focus with the end in mind. :De th

I just hope that the people there are nothing like those I met during the IT fair last year. :/

And I invested in a blazer for ITP. A blazer which I will wear to death because of the price. D: $63, it is pretty, and it was probably worth the money. But I probably won't even touch it anymore after ITP. :/ RAH! I must wear it to death.

I am not looking forward to entering Year 3, neither am I looking forward to ITP.

I found out too many things just the day before. And it has made me rethink about the things I want in life. :/ Wavering Roo, much?

To Anon who commented on my previous post :
Yeah, it does sound like I am creating problems for myself but... what can I do in a shop where I am working alone. D: It doesn't help that students from the schools around that area just flood in and hover around the shop next to mine because of this game machine. D:

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Celebrity Twin

I guess I just got myself a new Korean celebrity twin. :D
Kevin from U-Kiss. :/

Ah Munna and Chu thinks that he looks like me. YEAH, HE LOOKS LIKE ME, because I'm older than him. ;A;

He's pretty. D: This probably means that I will make a very pretty boy. OHO.

... I desperately want to pee, but there are so many secondary school students around. I does not trust leaving the shop with my laptop in it when all of them around hovering around. D< ROAR!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Thanks Mum.

:/ In desperate attempt to make me lose weight, my mother has taken it upon herself to be vigilant and make sure she knows what goes into me.

:/ That's why she packed lunch for me today to take to work. Yeah, I am a cheapo like that. Heh.

And since today I was feeling nice after what had happened yesterday, I thanked her, twice for it.

I managed to get myself the day off this Friday. THANK GOD FOR THAT. I guess Ah Munna's slow frequency has finally hit me because the entire time I was thinking that ITP starts on 8th March instead of 1st March.

And when I found out about the real date, I realise that I will be working, non stop till 17th April, after which school will start.

Therefore I will HAVE TO HAVE TO go somewhere this June or end of the year. I NEED A BREAK OK! D:

... I seriously can't believe that I am about to enter Year 3 already... that is if the lecturers are nice enough to think that I am deserving of a pass for my core modules.

:/ And I dreamt of KK yesterday, freaky but true. D: And I dreamt that we were in Fairfield. D: Very what-the-hell, I know.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Lotsa bad stuff this way come.

I just found out my ITP starts next Monday.

I thought it starts on the 8th. I saw 8th March on the form. Heh.

This means I have no holidays at all. I will be working till this Sunday at West Coast Plaza, then come Monday, my ITP starts.

Just when life couldnt get any worse, it just had to outdo itself.
I had a great time today, I think.

But I just wonder why do I still feel so empty inside. :/

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same.

Just because we are talking again does not mean that everything is back to the way it used to be.

Many things have been put into perspective for me today. And I wonder if I am upset about it or whether I should be upset about it.

My life still goes on the way I know it... Maybe it is time to start behaving the way I truly am.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


As everyone should know, the skin around our eyes are the most delicate. D: And for the past few days/weeks, I have been torturing it non-stop. D:

It takes forever to remove my gel liner. D: So I resort to using force on it. D: Now when I cry or tear and I try to wipe it off, my under eye just STINGS. D:

I need soothing creams, soothing eye creams! DDDD:

Interview test for CSW today went pretty ok. :/ I messed up because of one stupid question. ... GAAAAH, but oh well. At least it's over. :D

I be expecting myself to get lots of stuff soon with my ang pow money. :DD

2 pairs of Adidas Jeremy Scott, you shall be mine sooon! >DDD

Ah Lee Joon is awesome! :DD

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I hate teary farewells.
And I hate the departure hall.

I saw a friend of 13 years check in and leave for Australia today. I cried, obviously. I have feelings, I am not as fierce as I look and my heart is not made of stone.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Two hearts with accurate devotions
And what are feelings without emotions?

I realise I have not been listening to La Roux on my Ipod for a long time. D:

CNY was ok this year. It was bearable. ... I guess.

I shall spend the rest of my day watching Sonny with a Chance. :D

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Lotsa money this way come.

The day started well today. :D

I came home from work at 3pm, because it's a public holiday, so I got half a day off. :D

I came home, felt the wind in my hair and ahhhh, the sense of nostalgia. It reminded me of how horrible the new year is.

All the spring cleaning, the constant nagging from my parents to help clean this or arrange that. D:

It was half a good day I guess. I went home, and I saw my dad cooking, my mum was not at home, and my brother was doing something in his room. ... The day was gooood. :D

I helped out around the house like what a good daughter always does. OHO! And it was all going well...

... Until my mother came back. -_-

Sigh. Tonight I shall plan to sleep before 12 midnight, or else she will force me to say something nice to her before she gives me my ang pow. :/

Not really sleep la. Just pretend to be sleeping. That way she wont bother me.

Even if she does, I can always... appear blur and wish her happy new year and get my ang pow. :DD

Friday, February 12, 2010


Today was horrible.

I packed my room, and I shifted the furniture. I washed my bed sheets and new clothes, and I collected my package from Speed Post.

My room is still kinda, in a mess. And I am sick of it already. D: Why do I have so many things! D<

I still have a lot to pack, and I am feeling super tired already. D: ... It does not help that my dad's nagging at me to pack up the rest of the stuff. D:

The start of Chinese New Year is not that bad. Seeing that my boss gave me a $68 red packet for the year, it cant possibly be that bad, can it?

$68, and I just blew it on Hot Topic. D: Hot Topic = LOVE :D If only they would send me more discount codes and free shipping codes. ROAR!

And I just found more things I want from Hot Topic and Cherry Culture. D: Joooy, I see my money flying away already. ... At least I am working hard for it. I think I will be working from 22nd Feb till the end of Feb. D: Everyday. Yeah, all the money is coming in :DD which means more shopping! :DD

... Nice and charming is awesome. :DD

This basically is a random post which I felt I should post up to my dying blog. D: So much for coming back from a hiatus. D:

Thursday, February 11, 2010


As homosexuality becomes a common thing, any sign of skinship between two people of the same sex is immediately being regarded as a member of the homosexuality community.

:/ I know it makes me sound like some ignorant fool, but seriously, how sure are you that they are not homosexuals. D:

I have nothing against them, I just find it shocking how common they are these days. D:

I just saw an acquaintance get cozy with a friend of the same sex. D: And that led me to think about stuff like these...

Is the world really coming to an end?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I am at work now, while trying to do my Theory of Design journal...

Haha, yes I know I procrastinated a lot. I wasted the whole of last week sleeping in and watching tv and uh, doing stupid things like watching videos on Youtube.


I just want to get this shit over and be done with it. D:

Am not looking forward to CNY though. I just want to pack my room asap and get that red computer table. :DD

I thank God for the wireless I have around my area. :D If not I will not be blogging this out till late at night. D:

Monday, February 8, 2010

Looks like I still have a bit of good karma left in me...?

Turns out, D: I did not copy my Powerpoint presentation to my CD. :/ A blessing in disguise since I was spending the whole night worrying about it. D:

I ended up using my board's PDF file to present. D:

And KK was not there~ omg THE JOY! :DD

And I finally had rice. :D
The difference between him and I...

Is that he is actually doing very well right now, while I am still struggling with my own life.

The only thing that is keeping me from dying of spasm right now, is the fact that I still have time to do visual aids.


Karma has a way of attacking you when you least expect.

I just realise that I submitted the uneditted version of my powerpoint presentation. Joy, I am so screwed for critique tomorrow.

The lecturers are probably going to screw me all the way to the ground without even batting an eyelid or taking a breath in. Too many things to pick on, just too little time on their hands.

I just hope critique tomorrow ends before I even know it.

I neeeeed hope. D:

Monday, February 1, 2010

So sweet like apple pie.

Today is a good day. :D

Or at least it was suppose to be a good day.

It just happened to be one of the days where I felt D: a lot more alone than I usually do, even though I was with a group of people during lunch.

I walked home from school today, thinking a lot. Maybe I should try being nicer to the people around me in school. Emphasis on in school.

Because my life in school, regardless of primary or secondary, has not been the best at all. When I look back to the days where I still wore that yellow and blue uniform, I realise that it brings back lots of painful memories that I wish to erase but at the same time still keep it.

After all it is things like these that make you who you are today.

And because you have been through crap like that, you will not and should not be wishing this upon someone else. That is just WRONG. D:

So maybe, I should start being nicer to people in school. Maybe I should.