Tuesday, October 28, 2008

a little something to digust all you people.

im friggin sleepy now.

but i have tons of homework to complete.
im not the sort of person who will complete their work asap so as to be able to rest the day away. as shown on this post.
im more of a my-pace person.
i like to pace myself slowly, instead of rushing out my work like there's no tomorrow.

autocad today wasnt as bad as last week's.
where my stomach churned and tied itself into that huge knot.
today, i finally learnt how to scale something.
D: like finally.
jeffu wasted a semester of teaching autocad on me.

i shall, attempt to complete as much of my homework as i can.
and try skip consultation tomorrow and not get picked out for it.
bah, im friggin tired.
): all i want to do now is sleep.

so pictures!
to make my post a wee bit more interesting.

roo and ah mun at daiso.
): they ran out of the lion headbands.
... at least this matches with what i was wearing that day.

i hope you had a heavy dinner.
because im hoping to get some people really disgusted by the pictures im about to show next.

chicken steaks and ribs at the bbq on saturday.

here's a close up of the fats.
at least, it tasted a lot better than it looks.
after it's being cooked, of course.

my finger bled the other night.
yeah, night.
i dont know what i did, but it just started bleeding, and refuse to stop.
noooo, i dont have a Vitamin K deficiency.
there's just something wrong with me.
i keep bleeding for no reason.

... my face bleeds occasionally too.

rah, i hate my crooked tooth.

so there, hope you puke out your dinner.

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