Monday, June 15, 2009

Yesterday on my way home from work, I saw my secondary school classmate. We were in the same class since Primary 5 till I was in Secondary 3.

I saw her, she looked at me, and could not recognise me. She just walked away. ... Did I really change that much?

I was thinking, how much I did not miss Fairfield at all. The memories are just being kept, hidden inside, and that is enough for me. I did not miss any teachers, or really, anybody who were in the same class as me.

In the past, I will probably miss them to death. Really. I guessed I learnt to let go of things. And that not everybody is going to be there for you and with you forever.

Yesterday night, I started thinking in rhyme, and it scares me. D:

HAHAHA, someday I shall write up a song, or random poetry books for the emo people. :D

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