Monday, June 15, 2009

I am hella happy today. :D

Because things are starting to fall into place. :D For the past few days, I have been worrying about many many things like
  1. Work, whether I will sell anything or not.
  2. Work, again. What am I to do during lunch time. If I bring food, crazy lady will scream her head off at me. If I do not bring food, will I faint because I am too hungry?
  3. Money issues. D: I spent nearly $100 last Friday, and I have so much more items I want to buy. D: The Great Singapore Sales is evil, EVIL I TELL YOU! D<
  4. My job. I have been dying to quit that CK Tang job, for fear that I will get screamed at, and because my legs ache after a whole day's work. BUT, the money~.
  5. What am I going to do till March 2011, which of the two am I going to pick. ... Which, by the way, I figured that one out already. :D
So things are starting to fall into place. :D I shall try, and pray very hard to sell those pendants with my dying will. And I shall sleep at the staff lounge during lunch. I will go on a candy diet during work. 7 candies last me the whole day. Amazing, right? :D

My mother is giving me some money, not a lot, but just enough to cover my expenses for this month. Really, I am the biggest scrooge anyone has seen, but I am splurging this month because of the sales. D: EVIL IS EVERYWHERE!

And I finally decided which of the two I am going to pick. It was in between one that is good at marketing, and one that does the stuff I love. I picked the one that is good at marketing, because that company came up with something so awesome that with one look, I AM SOLD. :D

:D I lost the Nuffnang contest. But God made me lose it, in order for me to be a finalist. :D Of course being a finalist can never beat money. But being a finalist gives me greater recognition, which may then make me into another Xiaxue. ... Another her, meaning that I get advertorials to write for money! Really, if you think I am all that shallow, I probably am. Money is not a must to live in this world, but without money, you can barely survive.

... Oh, and to top it off, I FOUND A BABY SHOE! :D Yep, shoe. :D I was just thinking about how adorable babies are, with their tiny feet and tiny hands, and their inability to speak coherently. :D So adorable. And on my way home from dinner today, I found a baby shoe on the floor! :D It belongs to a baby girl. I know, because it is pink with a flower on it. :D

Yesterday, while I was on my way to work, something on the floor kinda scared me a little. :D And it was something I REALLY HAD TO TAKE A PICTURE OF. :D

A baby lizard. :D Dead, on the ground. :D Seriously, I swear I need to get a decent Canon camera. Gah!

Did I mention I am having this I-want-to-join-many-contests phase? I joined the Canon one, but really, I doubt anyone will vote for me. I am all the way at the baaaack, why would any sane, random person go looking for a picture to vote on!?

I am on page 23. :D Photo number 1141. :D

Just click on that banner thing on the right over there! >
I am under the Best What-the-Hell category. :D

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