Sunday, June 7, 2009


Having a Meet-The-Parents dinner today. Meeting brother's girlfriend's family. :/

I am excited, yet anxious at the same time. Blame it on my diet of Hong Kong serials. What if the other side of the family is like those in the serial, Virtues of Harmony. D:

I know I am thinking too much, after all we are going to be a BIG family. D:

Roar, I am a little... nervous, meeting her sister and her brother. D: Just, a little. D:

Oh yeah, did I mention, my mother has totally gone insane. She bought bracelets for the girlfriend's brother and sister and BAAAAA KWAAAAAA for the family. It is just a dinner, or a meeting, why should we buy something for that side of the family. I just get irritated at stuff like that. Doing redundant, useless stuff like that.

Fine, so it is manners, courtesy, whatever! Grrrr, and she took a packet of my coffee candy!

Rah! I am going to schedule an appointment with my dentist, the one at Mount Elizabeth. :/ On Friday, when I went to have my cavities filled up, the dentist mentioned about that tooth of mine, the one that sticks out. The root is exposed, like most of it, and it is shaky. So it is only a matter of time before it falls out.

I am considering veneers or getting braces again. I do not know what is the big idea about people thinking that braces are ugly. They are actually pretty cute!

... I want to fly over to the US, watching too much of the Tyra Banks Show, Hannah Montana and Sonny with a Chance is really not good for your mental health.

I want to fly there without any of my family members. YES THAT IS RIGHT, I DO NOT WANT TO GO WITH MY BROTHER. ROAR! >3

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