Saturday, June 27, 2009

Nothing wrong with being plus-sized.

The more I read up on the interviews on, the more I feel that I will not win.

If I lose, I will feel as though I have let my brother down.
Because he has been "doing whatever it takes" to get me into Top 3, and he will "stop at nothing" to make me win.
So if you see that I am in the Top 3, obviously it is not because I have a large fanbase like MsChorLor and AussiePete.
It is because I have an awesome brother who has many contacts/little evil minions who have his back, who has mine, to back me up during this period of voting.
And I have an awesome future Sister-in-law and friend who have been voting me for everyday or every other day.
Depends on whether my friend remembers to vote for me or not. :/

Time will tell.
But right now, I do not have the confidence that I will win this competition.

Blame it on a diet of criticisms since young.
My mother never told me I was smart. She loves to compare me to my other cousins who are much more intelligent than me (at that time). And my mother will do whatever it takes to put me down. Whether is it me being fat, ugly or stupid. I can never get along with my mother the way everyone get along with theirs as if they were best friends since beginning of time.

Maybe she thinks it will jinx me, but look at where I am now. Her criticisms since then were never helpful the way they were meant to be.

And of course, it does not help that this particular girl in my class have been putting me down just to make herself feel better. I know I keep mentioning her on my blog. But if she is out of my life, that will be the end of my ranting session about her on my blog. Valerie told me to... just let her be. Let her say whatever she wants because she cannot judge me for who I am.

But here is the thing. If I do not fight back, she will just go on and on and on, thinking that she has something over me, when in actual fact, she does not.
(I am not saying that she is fugly, she is just not drop-dead gorgeous.)
She may be hurt by her friends, and she "has finally become Not-the-Fattest in the group", but that does not mean that she can go on hurting the person who welcomed her with open arms. She may want to make herself feel better, but really, not at the expense of my self esteem.

And guess what? She really cannot take criticisms. She has a princess-attitude and will not take no for an answer. Oh dear Lord, all the bad karma is finally hitting me with full force.

It is not like I hate being fat. It is a love-hate thing.

I love the fact that I am plus sized, because I HAVE BOOBS! I do not have flat airport runways like those skinny girls out there.
But I just hate it when idiotic sales people go "Oh you cannot wear this, you are too fat to fit in." Hur hur, think it never happens in Singapore? Think again.
I got that sort of treatment at Far East. In a shop near 77th Street on level 2.

Clearly not only is there discrimination against those who are chubby, there is also a conspiracy going on!
Between shop owners, people who make the clothes, and people who provide the material.
Skinny people work to their advantage, because if they are skinny, clothes they wear will require less cloth, which maximises their profits.
Urgh, so annoying.

And really, another person who is really offensive, is the person who won the $500 for the Nuffnang contest "Do Singaporeans Dress Badly or Not".
The offensive thing is the fact that his "theme" for the entry was

something along the line of "if you are fat, wear black."

Of course, black has been proven to make you look slimmer. BUT WHY OH WHY, must you put that. Fat people should not be restricted to wearing JUST BLACK. It is so insulting. Especially about the skinny jeans part.

"If you are skinny, go take supplyments.
If you are fat, go to Marie France Bodyline."

Seriously, who died and gave you the right to judge fat people like that. People ought to have the right to choose whatever they want to wear, in whatever colour they like.

Like yes, we all know that not everyone suit all the trends that fashion has to offer. But you did not have to be so mean with your words.
EUPHEMISM, dude, at least coat your words with sugar and spice to make it easier on the eyes and on the feelings, dude!

You may not be used to people criticising you, but that does not mean everyone else is like you, judging people based on their body shape and size.

The internet is a great platform for people to interact and engage with an audience who share the same interests as you.
But at the same time, you should remember that what you put out on the internet, STAYS and MULTIPLIES itself for a long long time.