Saturday, June 20, 2009

My room is screaming out to me to pack it soon. And yes, I finally did something today! :D

I tried packing my wardrobe. Tried, because it is so messy, there is a part 2 to cleaning it up. D:

And during the process, I found out I have like 8 pairs of skirts, shitloads of shirts, and shitloads of tops that I have yet to wear. Minus away the 16 pairs of shades, 2 of which are still with the spree organiser, and a dress which is still with her too. Hur hur, typical girl. I shop on impulse. I need to have like, a garage sale or something. I do not care if I make money out of it. I just need to get rid of the things in my room. D:

My clothes, hanging outside my room.
... among those, I think there are about.. 10 of them are mine, the rest are my mother's.

Wardrobe full of clothes hanging. D:

Uh, piles of stuff that I stuff into my drawer.

The amount of clothes I am folding.
Excluding all those you have seen above just now. D:

I have filtered my clothes.
1 pile to donate to charity,
1 pile to throw away because it is beyond disgusting,
1 pile to cut up into more awesome stuff,
and 1 GINORMOUS PILE of clothes that I will actually want to wear.

Do not go WTH to me, I am going WTH to myself too. Rah, shitloads of clothes, it is not as if I go out all the time, why are there so many of them! D:

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