Thursday, July 22, 2010

Just a random thought.

Have you ever felt...

Like you could just disappear for a week or two and nobody will realise your existence until you appear on the headline news that you met with an accident.
Like you were all alone, even when you are in a room full of people.
That you have so much to say, but know that there's nobody out there you can turn to somehow.
That even though you are always laughing and cracking lame jokes, inside, you are nothing like that?

I'm just wondering.
I am not that depressed yet.

This week hasn't been the best week I ever had.

I am pretty behind on school work, and I need to practice a lot more.

Story of my life, I will get used to it somehow.

As a consolation, I randomly took photos of my room using my mini tripod I got for free. It really is not that awesome, but it was still fun to play with it, I promise. :D

My 2pm calendar which I totally regret buying, and the Macdonalds glass I got for free today.
Stuff on my study table. :/
Books I have on my study table.
My study table... Hahahaha. I love my cork boards.

My bed and posters, which I will be tearing down soon.

Like I said, it hasn't been the best of weeks, so I apologize for not giving a proper update to this blog of mine. :/

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