Monday, March 22, 2010

Take this thought, and send it your way.

I cannot help but offend people around me.

I just cannot help it.

I am just glad that I probably will not be going back there to work after I graduate. I have better things to do with my life.

Me still likey likey him? I guess I still do. I find myself thinking about him during the randomest time of the day. :/ Like I said, I fall in and out of love at the speed of light. I still think about him, even though it doesn't make my heart flutter, or set the butterflies in my tummy. I find it a little sad that I fall in and out of love so quickly. The joy of being in love is that at least there's someone you actually like. At least you could think of that person, at least you could think of doing or saying something nice to that person. It's just a pity that I change my mind too quickly and too frequently.

Today, I spent most of my day thinking about RESPECT.

Respect is not a given, it is something that needs to be earned.

And the more I think about this, the more pissed I get at certain people. I am just glad that in a year or so, you will be out of my life for good. Distance will not put an end to blood ties, but I am determined to put as much as I can between us. Upset about it? Too bad, you lost my respect for you ages ago.

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