Saturday, March 27, 2010

So what if I am fat?

Like I had said before, my ITP is actually not as bad as I thought. It really wasn't as bad, until someone showed up.

This new guy appeared, or rather 2 new guys appeared. One was pretty young and he's friendly, at least he is. The other is not really that young anymore, and he appears to be friendly. It was obvious from the start, that all he wants to do is just chat up with girls, regardless of age. So naturally, because I was sitting somewhat near his area, he talked to me.

It first started out as some friendly talk, asking me about things like why was I on tv, and saying how he thinks my hair is cool and stuff like that. At least then, it was all the nice things that came out of him. As he started talking to the rest of the interns, things started becoming ugly.

Please note that I have only spoken to him for a couple of times which amounts up to a number you can totally calculate using one hand.

He started becoming very offensive. He is sarcastic, very very sarcastic, right from the start, to the rest of his colleagues. It felt like all he wanted to do was chat up girls, then just use them as his toy to shoot and insult them the way he likes it.

He would go on comparing me to the other girls, in the most indirect way you can think of, just to make the point that they are slimmer than I am, and that I am fat and ugly.

Get this, if he was my friend of at least a year or so, I would probably bicker with him the way I do with my classmate. But because I had only met him for less than a month, I found this really offensive and I got really angry.

He would say things like these :
G : "Wow, I wonder how you girls can survive on just $450 a month.
But I think -points at slim friend- you can survive,
-points at other slim friend- you can survive,
-points at other slim friend- you can survive.
-points at me- But I think you can't survive."

You should not say things like that to a person you hardly know.

I am not angry because I don't think I am fat. I know for myself that I am fat, and I embrace that fact. I do complain every now and then, but at least I can pull off things that most people cannot. I see myself as average looking, but less than average in size. I love myself for who I am, and everyone should too.

It is very clear that he have had issues with weight, but really, to resort to this method to make yourself feel better? You are waaay beyond low.

He probably knows that I have something against him now, that's why he hasn't been talking to me. But right now, I am waiting for him to start his verbal abuse, just so that I can shut him up for good.

His words are less than tactful, and he offends people around him, mostly me, but still. I am one who offends many people, but I do not offend them by judging them based on how they look. I get pissed for matters that go against my principles, like stuffing me with work when I am about to leave.

I hate that, but I got over it. I look forward to working after 7pm, because I know there are less people on the train and on the bus.

I am seriously just not going to associate myself with lowlife jerks like that. I do not see the need to insult others just to make myself feel better. I know where I stand, and I am happy with it.

Why are there, seriously some people out there who love to do things like that?

Maybe it's like what a friend of mine would say "It's a face thing."

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