Monday, November 2, 2009

It has been raining really heavily for the past few days, and it has been really depressing.

It gets massively, insanely hot in the morning, and usually I will not bring my thick hoodie to school. I mean, keep yourself warm in the hot weather?! D: Not going to happen, yo.

But in the afternoon, it just rains. REALLY.HEAVILY.

I find it amazing that I am not sick yet. I mean, walking home nearly everyday from school in the rain, and I have yet to catch a cold, God forbid, my immune system seems to be pretty darn strong! :DD

Submission today was finnnne. First time ever, I had done and completed my work beforehand and still have 2 days to rest.

I went to IMM after that, and got some random containers and a hole puncher!
Can you believe it, I survive at home without a hole puncher. D:

But yes! My desk looks neater somehow! I think I might invest more in those boxes. :DD
Organising is good, especially after watching this girl's video.

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