Thursday, July 9, 2009

There is something fucking wrong with my mother. I can only provide her with the 4D results. And she insist that I have the ones for Toto on my phone. And she went on saying that I am too much, for not providing her with the Toto results.

Dear Lord, why do I have such a mother. Really, why?!

I was having a really good day today, seriously. Until she came in and ruin everything. EVERYTHING. Why, dear mother, why?

I had a really good time today with the class, eating, laughing and all. It probably was a really good time, because I really never had an experience like that before. I have friends who abandon me for popularity, and I really was never the popular one. Class gatherings, class outings, I was always either the one who get notified last minute, or I never get invited and can only get to listen to others talk about it when it was all over.

For once, I felt like I am a part of something.

But when I reach home, I was immediately being dragged away forcefully from my own little world. Sometimes, I really wonder, if it was better for me to stay out till late at night than to come home and face my mother. I really wish that I can call my mother my best friend. Sadly this is something impossible. I find it way too hard to communicate with her.

I envy people who are on really good terms with their mothers. Whose mothers support their every decisions, encourage them to pursue their dreams and stand by them in times of need. My mother takes away everything. My confidence, my money and my little time of happiness. She never fails to mention how fat I was, how other girls are prettier than me. She never gets tired of taking my money and not returning it at all. And she never fails to make me get pissed and mad at her because of the things I cannot provide for her.

No, I am not from a single-parent family. Sometimes maybe it will be better if I was. No offense to those out there. Usually those who are from single-parent families, they tend to be on better terms with their parent.

It really is... just too hard for me to open up to someone like my mother.

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