Thursday, February 18, 2010


As everyone should know, the skin around our eyes are the most delicate. D: And for the past few days/weeks, I have been torturing it non-stop. D:

It takes forever to remove my gel liner. D: So I resort to using force on it. D: Now when I cry or tear and I try to wipe it off, my under eye just STINGS. D:

I need soothing creams, soothing eye creams! DDDD:

Interview test for CSW today went pretty ok. :/ I messed up because of one stupid question. ... GAAAAH, but oh well. At least it's over. :D

I be expecting myself to get lots of stuff soon with my ang pow money. :DD

2 pairs of Adidas Jeremy Scott, you shall be mine sooon! >DDD

Ah Lee Joon is awesome! :DD

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