Monday, January 10, 2011

Motivate me...

I had critique today.
And it didn't go as bad as I had planned for it to be,
which is a good thing of course.

This afternoon, when Sooyin asked what is going on with me, I let all the lecturers present know that I have lost interest in the course.

And instead of criticism, I got a pep talk. Which was probably what I need.

I have no idea whether it's because of the weather these days, or because I have really lost interest in everything I have to do.
I am just unable to muster up any energy to do anything. And by energy, I don't mean by the kind you get from food. It's the kind you get from doing something you are passionate about. Or something you would love doing.

The past 2 and 3/4 years haven't been that hard. For some reason, only the last quarter seems to be the hardest to deal with.
Apparently this is who/what I am, even though I am not particularly fond, or proud of this trait of mine where I do not complete everything I set out to do.

I wish for motivation... ):

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