Monday, May 23, 2011

WAZZUP WORLD! + Video of the week.


I know it has been a really long time since I had actually churned out a decent blog post.
Decent, meaning it has more than 2 lines, and is actually something meaningful to me, probably. :/

I am on my way to becoming a little more active online since I realise I can make money out of it, which I will explain now.
(This is going to be a long post... D:)

See, if you actually read my blog consistently, you would know that I had just graduated from Poly. (THREE YEARS OF HELL!!!!)
And while my classmates are busy looking for jobs, or looking to further their studies, OR are waiting for enlistment, I have actually been bumming around a lot at home.
I am still working part-time at that children clothes shop, since I have nothing better to do at home and I need the money to maintain my lifestyle of shopping online. So yes, I am still working at that children clothes shop.

The pay is... slightly better than average. Since there are people who only pay $4.50/hr, therefore I dare say that my boss is actually paying me rather well.

I have made some money through Nuffnang, and it has recently slowed down a lot. (because I got lazy to blog.) And I had actually made money through ChurpChurp, its Twitter counterpart. Therefore I figured it wouldn't be that bad to accumulate some extra cash online, since every bit of money counts right now. :/

And to keep myself on track, I have made a list of topics I will be blogging on a daily basis for 5 days a week, an idea I got from Doe Deere.

Every Monday, I will be posting up a video of the week, and I shall wing it for the other 4 days. :/ Kinda.

Expect to see more pictures, hopefully, if I can get myself to use my camera to snap something interesting.

Stuff that has happened to me recently, I shall just update you quickly in point form, starting with the boring stuff...
Because I am badass like that.

  • I have overspent again this month, therefore no online shopping for the month of June. ):
  • I have an asymmetrical hair cut now! :D Which reminds me that I need a haircut, desperately. D:
  • I am in the midst of changing my blogskin again.
  • I have started watching Desperate Housewives Season 7. :D
  • I ate sushi buffet, for two days in a row. ;A;
  • I have decided that I should lose weight before my brother gets married, but so far, I haven't done anything about it. I am still eating whatever I want, and I am not exercising as much as I wanted. Which means I did exercise ok!
  • I am still going to chase after that impossible dream of mine, even though I know only one person is supporting me.
  • Somebody nominated my blog for the OMY SGBlogAwards. Which is nice, if it is not a prank. But it makes me wonder why did that person nominate me for the WTH category, since I haven't posted anything WTH-ish in a very long time. I did join in the end, hopefully I will win something nice. I want to win the tickets to Melbourne, Australia. D:

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