Thursday, May 26, 2011


Looks like I have been keeping up with my schedule... :D Kinda. :D

3 posts in a week, it has been a really long time since I have been blogging this much. :D

I think Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays will be just random posts days, because I don't think I will be able to keep up with having lots of photo shoots on Wednesdays, just so I can post up the pretty pictures on Thursdays on my blog. D:

Mmm, today's topic is a little random.
It only came to mind after my friends, Maureen and Danni, said they wanted to know what my brother looks like.

See, there is this HUGE age gap between us, 9 years. It is not that huge to the point where there is a significant generation gap between us, but it is huge enough for the world to know that I am his younger sister whenever we hang out together.

For some reason, either my brother USED to like hooking up with little girls, or I look old, which is totally not the case because I use sunblock regularly, people keep mistaking me for his girlfriend. -_-

Sorry, my future sister-in-law. D: You need to appear next to him more often. D:

I was looking for my IC the day before my graduation ceremony, because it was needed.
(Yes, I know I need to keep my IC in a safe place because it cost $150 to make a new one. -_-)
And instead of finding my IC, I found old photos of my family hidden in some corner of my room.

D: I have no idea why I have them, because if it were up to me, the only photos displayed or hidden in my room would be photos of me... Pretty photos of me.

And so, I have decided to share them here... because it's my blog and I want to.

Note that some of the photos are really old. D: So the quality and colour is not as great as it used to be.

So this is my family, taken when I still had long black hair. D:
During Chinese New Year before I was 6... I think I was either 4 or 5 in that photo. D:

Yes, my dad looks like General Tojo, everyone has been saying that. -_-
As long as you do not take my father away as a war criminal, you may feel free to go on and on about him looking like that Japanese General from WW2.

I posted this photo before, but I think I took down the post when I went on a blog-cleaning spree.
I was 2, given the number of candles on my cake, and the round red things you see there, those are red eggs.
Yes, eggs were that big then. And they are insanely tiny now.

That's my mother and I, at my late-grandmother's house on the other side of Singapore. D:
I was probably 9... And I used to wear that shirt ALL.THE.TIME.
Yes, I was never fat my entire life, i only ballooned up after puberty.

Most recent Polaroid of my brother and I, taken on my graduation day AT NIGHT, when he came down to pick me up after I missed the last bus home.
Yes, I still have cheeks, and I know I am super-kawaii in that shot.
*flips hair*

My family likes to believe that we are a very close-knit family...

That's all I can say about it.

There are times when I do not feel connected to anyone at all, and there are times I actually found it ridiculous that the family still thinks and believes that we are very close. :/

But that is life, isn't it?

Everyone knows that friends come and go, but family sticks together forever. So even if you're not close to any of them, you can sort of always count on them to be there somehow. :/

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