Sunday, October 31, 2010

New blogskin & more! :D

Ok, so I finally got a new blogskin. :D

I know it is a very basic one, but the previous one was just... D: so incomplete that it doesn't draw me to blog about anything at all.

I have been thinking a lot lately.
On top of getting pissed at people who probably have no idea that I am pissed with them.
Yay, it sure is nice being me. -_-

I have finally come to this conclusion : I have anger issues.
Major anger issues.

I usually am able to keep it in control, but recently it has been slipping out without me knowing anything.

I am just glad that there is no student-guidance-thingy in Poly for those who have major issues like anger management, or the suicidal.
Yeah, we (meaning our parents) pay good money for education. Expensive education, if I may add. And we don't get to enjoy student privileges like cheaper transportation fees, and someone to talk to when we need help when we are on the verge of committing suicide.

Meh, I am just glad they don't have shit like that. I was "recommended" to go for something like that back in secondary school. And while it was nice to have someone to talk to, it was also... a huge waste of my time.

Unlike for some, it is nothing near therapeutic for me. I have a better time talking to someone else these days.

Speaking of which.
I realise I would rather have a toy as a best friend, than a regular human being.
(Like I said, I did lots of thinking.)

Toys are less likely to leave you, betray you, make you sad, or infuriate you.
I just bought a new Transformers toy, and I am thinking that I am going to buy more.

I seriously need to get a life... D:

I shall randomly end this post while I go find something stupid to do. :/

... Did I mention that I am currently obsessed with Tetris? D:
I even dream about it while sleeping. D:

I really, really need to get a life.
And I have 2 videos to edit. D:

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