Monday, December 26, 2011

Dear meanies,

I think customers are under the impression that if they are nasty to the people serving them, things will get done a lot better and more efficiently.

Dear nasty customers, honestly, what makes you think I care about your piddily ass problems? The world doesnt revolve around your sorry ass and frankly, your attitude makes me want to get things done a lot slower just so I can piss you off even more.

I have encountered, just recently, this mean guy who thinks that we are after his money, which, honestly, is not a huge sum.

Granted that it is still money, no matter what, but honestly, how hard is it for you to phrase your words nicely in a polite tone? There really is no need for you to talk down on anybody just because we are not some high-flying person who lives a jet-setting life where you are flying in and out of town so much that you dont even remeber how to be nice to others.

Sometimes I wish I have a giant hand so I can smack them down.

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