Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Female of little tears.

I'm a leo, not surprisingly.

And I find it hard to cry in public, or share the many things I do not wish for anyone to know about.

Maybe it's my pride, or the way i was being raised. I learn that crying to get what you want is deemed as weak, and a one-trick pony who uses her ability to cry on cue as a form of blackmail to get things done her way.

I feel slightly inspired to blog about this only because many things have happened recently at work, unpleasant things that I do not wish to go into detail.

Many things have changed since I've started work. Relationships between co-workers, the general impression my co-workers have of me, etc.
And did I mention that I am still on probation?!

I wonder if I should carry on with this job, because it no longer seems fun, and in general, I feel that things have changed so much that it suffocates me just thinking about me.

I consider myself as a rather straightforward person, and would rather have the person come up and tell me in my face what the hell am I doing wrong or have done wrong.

If anyone is expecting me to cry, don't expect to see tears coming from me. I am not that weak girl that everyone thinks I am or should be.

Sometimes, it is better to not invest your feelings and time into people or things that you know will end up turning against you in future.

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