Saturday, February 12, 2011

A part of me wishes...

A part of me wishes that I wasn't this fat,
that way I can wear whatever I want, and I won't sound ridiculously desperate when I say I am happy when I bump into an eye candy.
Also, I can eat all that I want without having the fear of being judged by others.

But if I am not this fat, I probably will not be able to filter out the people who are just making use of me. And I will not be able to filter out the guys who are only into girls for their looks. (which is pretty much every single guy I have ever met.)

And I wouldn't have prayed for all the food I eat to be converted to and stored as calcium and Vitamin A instead of fats.

A part of me wishes for me to be a little more capable,
that way I can do things with ease, and I won't have to worry about retaining in living hellhole.
I would be able to complete tasks with ease, and at lightning speed, that way I would have more time to do the little things I want, like sleeping in till 2pm everyday.

And also, if I were capable, I would probably be the one who created Facebook, meaning to say I have found a business that would generate so much money that I could just leave school, or just sell the stocks and retire at a young age.

A part of me wishes to be less sensitive to people,
that way the little things people do will not affect my mood so much.

And I would probably be a much happier person, with a positive outlook on life.

A part of me wishes to be less self-conscious,
so I can wear and behave the way I am, and not fear of being judged. And even if I get judged, I would point the middle finger at them, and tell them to take their asses elsewhere.

Wouldn't the world be a better place if Bruce Almighty, in the first 30 minutes of the show, really is God?
I could pray for all that, and it would all come true.

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