Friday, December 10, 2010

I just had one of the worst submission ever in the 3 years of my Poly life.

My work was probably nowhere near 75% done.
And instead of freaking out like I used to do back then when I still cared about something, I was actually pretty calm.

Which is a nicer way of saying that I no longer give two shits about it.

Recent events have made me realise how much I do not give two shits... to anything in general, other than things that involve myself.

I am not sure if it's because it's the time of the month or what.
But I realise that I no longer care about how people feel.

I used to be able to sympathize with others when they leave their clique because of personality differences. Or they are just left out of the group because the people there are just not who they think they are.

I used to be able to, used to.

Right now, I really don't give two shits about it. The sky can come crashing down on me, and I would probably only be bothered to save myself, and myself only.

I'm not sure if it's right to say I have matured...

It feels like I am just looking at things, at life, in a different light because of how things have changed.

People you once hold so close to your heart, people you thought meant the world to you, just because they are your world doesn't mean that those feelings are reciprocated.

The world doesn't revolve around you. And the world will not stop revolving just because something bad happens to you.

And just because someone you think cares for you, doesn't mean that you are all that important in their life.

Everyone in life is replaceable.

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