Thursday, November 18, 2010

:/ Christmas wish-list and stuff...

I haven't updated in centuries, I apologize.

Nothing much have happened recently, apart from me getting a new table, a new-old table lamp and a whole bunch of other stuff like my mother threatened to to divorce my dad...

Other than that, life is actually pretty normal.

I figured that I should stop being anal about not blogging unless I have something insanely awesome to share with the world.

So randomness is the way to go. :DD

My critique session is tomorrow, not looking forward to it.
I really cannot wait to be done with Interior Design.

I look forward to bumming around the house a lot more after I graduate... :/ If I can graduate. D:

And today, I have decided to do up a Christmas wish-list. :D
It was random, but I figured it's time for me to get it anyway. :D

  1. A box set of the Harry Potter series in the adult hard cover. :D
  2. I am considering Percy Jackson and the Narnia series too.
  3. I am thinking, more sneakers. :D
  4. And maybe a new camera, because I am currently thinking of selling my ixus 100.
Canon cameras are like Nokia phones.

They come out with new designs like every other month. My ixus is less than a year old, or so. And already it's considered old. D:


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