Saturday, May 15, 2010

I really don't want to grow up.

I had a conversation with a friend recently...

And someone she knows and love told her that she has changed. And it got me wondering...

Have the people around me changed so much without me knowing? I recently went out with my friends from primary school, yes we still keep in contact and my mother only feels safe enough when she hears that I am hanging out with them no matter how late it is.

I have no idea since when, but we have started drifting apart... Ever since graduation from secondary school, we have found new friends, new cliques, new bunch of people to hang out with. There suddenly seem to be a lack of communication between us.

I cannot really remember a time where I felt so awkward with either one of them.

Did everyone just grow up before I started realising it?

It seems like while everyone is growing up, pursuing other interests in life, I am still stuck here, on the same spot, trying to grab hold of whatever that is left in my memory...

Pathetic, I know.

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