Tuesday, May 11, 2010

At this moment, when I am so positively sure of what I want to do, I still am hesitating and questioning myself which route to take. Shocking, but true.

... I really hate myself for that.

The weather these days have been extremely terrible. It goes from extremely hot to extremely cooling. And the many people around me in studio are getting sick. (Flu bug has been spreading around, can't really help it.) Not to mention, people EVERYWHERE! On the bus, walking past me, walking beside me, just really stink. D:

Is it really that hard to take a shower in the morning, people?! Maybe I am too much of a hygiene freak, but really, when you are not living in a temperate country, you really really ought to shower in the morning before you go out to meet the world. Unless you are one who thinks you wake up smelling all fresh and nice... -_-

I have been coughing my lungs out at home, and not coughing at all in studio. I get random headaches at random times, and I am kind of suspecting if I have a brain tumor.

I have decided not to think that way, and think instead that it is my room at fault. For being too dusty and messy. Since there "are no classes tomorrow", I have decided to clean up my room, hopefully it works. D:

My mother is going all "If you are sick, you better go see a doctor/take the cough medicine or you can't go Hong Kong."

Speaking of which, I AM TOTALLY EXCITED ABOUT! :DD I am going to somewhere where I CAN FINALLY SHOP. PROPERLY. Without having to be dragged around by people to meet people I have either no clue about, therefore not giving 2 flying poops about, or people I really really, totally do not care about. Oh yes, that includes not being dragged around to somewhere I really don't like. Makes sense?

I finally got myself the Ikea table I wanted so badly. ... But I didn't manage to get the computer table because "it's being discontinued", that's what the person at Ikea said. -_- Really, people, is it so hard to get a red computer table?!

I have been reaching hits I used to hit back 1-2 years ago, before I went on a hiatus. :D

SUSHI TOMORROW, I am feeling better already. :D

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