Monday, July 25, 2011

Many things I do not get.

I haz time, therefore I shall blog.

I am in my shop, waiting for my Ryuk 2.0 to die before I charge it and I feel... "inspired" to blog this out.

Many things I do not get :

Why would someone try so hard to impress other people, then when they get a chance to, they'll just bitch about you behind your back?

Or simply, just try so hard to impress other people for the sake of appearing popular.

There is this girl, used to be a good friend of mine, I blogged about her before.

She was a good friend of mine, till she started getting on my nerves. :/ Maybe "getting on my nerves" is not a good way to describe what happened.

We were good friends, so whenever there's class projects, we would team up together with the other bunch of people we hung out with. And they, like her, would not put any effort into the project and would rather spend time talking about boys on magazines. -_-

And she would always, I repeat : ALWAYS, ask me to introduce my friends to her, then she would act all close with them, blah blah blah.

The entire scene would be something like this...
Me talking about this random guy friend of mine, and she would go

"Who is he?! How you know him?! INTRODUCE TO ME LEH!"

All of that, happening when she has a boyfriend. -_-

And that pissed the shit out of me.

She would try and impress them, and then start acting all close to them because she wants to fit in and pretend that she's popular.

Why, bitch?! Bitch, why?!

And when I cut off all ties with her, she would say that I am PMS-ing all the time, and would go "What is your problem?!" in a self-righteous tone. -_-

And by the way, because we are no longer friends, I have blocked her on Facebook and such, and she went ahead and used her boyfriend's account to stalk me.

Dear bitch,

My friends are mine, your friends are yours.
I don't care about introducing them to you because you are not a nice person.
Why do you have to pretend to be a nice person and try and impress them when clearly you are nothing like the way you portray yourself to be?!

Now get over it and stop stalking me.



And then, there's this other girl, whom I was addressing in my previous post. The very nice girl who made me the happiest girl in the entire world.

(FYI : It was sarcasm, by the way.)

That was a girl I met not too long ago for the first time in my entire life. I admit that I have heard of her, and I did do my background search before I met her.

I had a pretty bad impression of her at first, but my good friend said I should just be civil towards her, which I did, because I am usually never polite or in general, nice, to people I dislike or have a bad impression of.

And for some reason, me being civil was apparently the cue for her to climb over my head and pee all over it.

And for some reason, I still manage to "pissed the shit out of her". Or rather, she offended me on the day we met, in a very very very ridiculous fashion.

At first when I met her, she started acting all... Nice. :/ That is the best word I can use to describe the way she was acting, because right after "Hello" she went ahead and became a bitch.

She either has issues with me helping my friend out with her makeup, or me making so much noise when I first came into the room, or because I warm up to people easily, therefore the spotlight is on me, the awesomest one, and no longer her.

(That is probably irrelevant, but I just wanted to put that on my blog. Don't judge me.)

From what I heard about her, she's not a very nice person, obviously.
She acts all nice in front of others and once they're gone, she would start bitching about them.


And she expects people to be there when she needs help, be there when she summons them for an outing, be on her side whenever she throws a hissy fit or whine or pick a fight.

And probably the only reason why she still has friends is because the people around her is nice enough to not want to cut her off, and ostracise her.

Dear Passive People,
Sometimes you need to cut people off in your lives. People who are not nice, people who cause shit, people who start dramas, and people who pretend they are your friends and bitch about you the moment you turn around. There is nothing nice or good about pitying her because she doesn't deserve your kindness.


Dear bitch,

You better thank your lucky stars that you have met a bunch of really nice, kind, good people in school because I am pretty damn sure that if you were in my school, or in my course, I would cut you off and pretty much leave you hanging alone. Someday, someday I swear someone will stand up to you, and Karma will be waiting to bite you in the ass. And stop bullying my friend, you cunt, or else the person who will stand up to you is ME and be prepared to get hurt real badly.



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