Thursday, June 2, 2011

Random Item of the Day #2!

Random Item of the Day #2!

It has been... less than a week, and I am already feeling a little tired of blogging nearly everyday. D:

I think coming up with topics to blog about is a lot harder than it looks.
:/ I think I have a newfound respect for bloggers who update their blogs everyday, with photos and all.

I am one who can't even be bothered to Photoshop my photos and watermark them, just because my photos are nothing special. D:

So today's Random Item of the Day...

Is not really AN item, but a whole bunch of them.

This is my drawer of backups.
In it, I have...
  1. 4 tubes of mascara
  2. 1 tube of liquid eyeliner.
  3. 6 tubes of masks, 2 of which are for removing blackheads on the nose.
  4. 2 bottles of toner.
  5. 2 bottles of serum.
  6. 1 bottle of sunblock, surprisingly.
  7. 1 tube of eyeshadow primer.
  8. 3 packs of makeup wipes.
  9. 2 sample-size tubes of anti-aging cream because I am a a kiasu Singaporean like that.
  10. 2 tubs of moisturiser.
  11. 1 tube of uh, makeup base? I bought in Hong Kong which I have no idea what to use it for. I just might give it away.
  12. 4 bottles of BB cream.
  13. 1 bottle of Tea Tree Oil.
Eeeyeah, that should be about it.

I like buying a whole bunch of makeup/skin care products and just keep it at home till I am done with what I am using at the moment.
Simply because sometimes, some places have sale and it is wise to stock up on stuff like my toner. And also because I like to tweak my skincare routine a bit every now and then.

I was thinking of posting up my makeup stash, I think my eyeshadow stash is pretty decent. :/ But I am in the midst of giving stuff away to friends, so I think that might wait till I am done sifting.

I will post it up soon though. ._.


These days, I have been uh, feeling really depressed...
If that is even the right word for it.

I am sick and tired of eating, which is not normal for me because I nearly always think about food.
I don't have the urge to go shopping, which is also not normal for me because I am usually always seen shopping online, even when I have to do online research for work.
And I can't seem to find anything to do online (because I like to push blogging to the back of my head) at all. D: I used to spend my days watching Youtube videos, and now, I get bored after 1-2 hours of video watching. D:

I think I am getting tired of living, because I am not doing what I want.

Being alive is depressing...

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