Friday, May 7, 2010

Sorry for not posting up anything lately... :/

So here are some updates about me and my life, not that anybody really cares.

  1. I am going to Hong Kong! :D 22-25 June with my classmates :D THIS SPELLS FREEDOM FROM ALL SORTS OF CRAP.
  2. Yeah, that means that I will not be going to Melbourne to look for my bitch. Sad, and it's all thanks to ...
  3. I was on my way to get lunch, and I got stopped by a bunch of random people asking me to take part in a photo shoot. Awesome and embarrassing at the same time. D: It pays to have awesome hair in school
  4. I have found myself a new husband who only looks nice in certain hair styles and colour, namely ASH GREY or BLOND. (KAN FROM F.CUZ! >_<)
  5. My mother is positively sure that I will get hacked into a gabajillion pieces in Hong Kong because of my hair colour. (See below for picture.)
  6. Apparently, I look like someone who would do things that Madonna will do, not that it's a bad thing, really.
So yes, my life is really not that exciting.

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