Friday, May 21, 2010

I said I will try to blog with more photos. :D

So for the past few days, a sudden obsession for Post-Its happened.

... Maybe it's because of the wide range of colours it comes in, or maybe Maureen influenced me too much during my internship. I just ended up buying 4 stacks of Post-Its and have been doing my best to waste as much of it as possible in the randomest way possible . :D

Not just Post-Its, I just spend most of what little allowance I get from my parents on random stationary. ... Like that Bumblebee folder which I will be using soon for some classes I signed up for. :D

This is a good way to waste my Post-Its. Just write random captions on it, stick on something near you and take a photo of it. :D

I just might end up redefining myself as a blogger. ... Post-Its is the way to go! :D
I shall be known as the blogger who uses a lot of Post-Its on her blog. :D

On a random note, I have decided to try a few things, which is coming up with 3 things I am going to try to achieve for the week.

The past few days, or may I say, the past week, have been kind of blah. Blame the bad weather, blame my lack of motivation to do anything. I can't help but feel that my life has lost meaning to it. And for a random hour, I actually wanted to get a tattoo.

To those who have no clue about it, I am not against tattoos, but I would never have thought of getting one on myself. It just didn't feel like me, make sense?

I have actually made significant progress regarding my plans for the future, I just hope I get what I want. I am worried and I fear for my future. I do not want to end up doing Interior Design for the next 30-35 years of my life, get all stressed up and die in an empty office only to have my body found 2 weeks later. D:

I know I am being extremely negative about the ID industry, but really, after my internship, I think I can safely say that I DO NOT WANT TO DO INTERIOR DESIGN FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. I will consider if it is like 1-5 years, but not 30-35 years of my dwindling youth. D:

I shall hope to achieve these 3 tasks. :D
I love Post-Its. :D

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